W3C Team Contact Support is available in measured and carefully spelled out quantities only for W3C Working and Interest Groups. W3C Community Groups are typically not assigned Team support and for W3C Business Groups, the team uses judgment to provide limited support, e.g. encouraging Chair to Chair engagements between BGs and WGs.
Because of the larger role CGs play, W3C Management offered they hold meetings at TPAC 2016 in Lisbon, and convened in the Spring of 2016 a study of Team support for W3C Community Groups and revised the initial policy that CGs get no Team support.
Comments or questions should be addressed to the W3C Communications Team at [email protected].
W3M may assign team contact resources of an unquantified amount in the following circumstances:
- Incubating work destined for a W3C Interest Group or Working Group. (In this case, the resource may be included in the charters for the IGs/WGs)
- Helping the Team maintain errata on a recommendation produced by a Working Group that has closed.
- Making proposals for updating the W3C Process Document, i.e. Revising W3C Process Community Group.
- Conducting a discussion forum with a community of stakeholders which is deemed important by someone on W3M - e.g., Restricted Media Community Group.
Community Group GitHub repos are managed as follows:
- Community Group repos (starting in May 2022) are part of the w3c-cg GitHub organization. Repos in this organization are not required to have "-cg" in the name.
- Community Group Chairs request a GitHub repo on [email protected].
- The Community Development Lead is responsible for approving these requests. This includes validating names (to ensure relevance, avoid duplication, etc.).
- If the repo is to be used for specifications, the Community Development Lead uses the repository manager to (1) add the CG to the manager and (2) create the repo.
- The Community Development Lead grants maintainer rights to the CG Chairs on the newly created repo.
Note: We expect W3C Business Group repos to be part of the w3c GitHub organization.
Github for Final Reports
See information about using GitHub to publish Final Reports.
Please refer to Tools and Infrastructure on the W3C Community & Business Groups website.