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XML Security Working Group is now closed

The XML Security Working Group closed on December 31st 2016

On this page:
Mission | News | Meetings | Code & Toolkits | The Chairs | Background Reading
Charter | Roadmap | Publication Status | Meeting Schedule and Minutes | Implementations | Interop | Participants | Patent Policy Status | Security Activity Statement | WG Members Page | Papers
Historic Working Group Pages:
XML Signature
XML Encryption
XML Security Maintenance WG
Frederick Hirsch <[email protected]>
Mailing Lists
General, Technical and Public Discussions: [email protected]
Administrative issue Discussions: [email protected]
Public Comment List: [email protected]; Archives
Public General Discussion List: [email protected]; Archives
W3C IETF XML Signature Discussion List: [email protected]; Archives
Join the Working Group: Apply here!
Public Archive: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec/
Member Archive: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-xmlsec/
Historical XML Sec Maintenance WG Archive: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xmlsec-maintwg/


The Group was part of the Security Activity. It took up prior W3C Work on XML Signature and XML Encryption, as well as work from the XML Security Specifications Maintenance Working Group, that produced XML Signature, Second Edition.


2016-12-31: The XML Security Working Group closed as its charter expired.

2015-07-23: The XML Signature Syntax and Processing Version 2.0 informative W3C Working Group Note has been updated to include a reference to the XML Signature 2.0 schema in the XSD Schema section. A diff from the previous Note publication is available.

2015-07-20: Errata for XML Signature 1.1 updated to add two errata items (E02 and E03) related to the schema driver file referenced in section 9.1.

2014-10-01: Errata for XML Signature 1.1 updated to add errata item (E01) to clarify Language related to Detached Signatures in Overview (Section 2) and Definitions (Section 10).

2013-06-18: The "Test cases for Canonical XML 2.0" Working Group Note has been updated to correct the text in section 3.4, "Namespace Re-Declarations".

2013-04-11: XML Encryption 1.1, XML Signature 1.1 and XML Signature Properties are W3C Recommendations

The XML Security Working Group has published three Recommendations today:

The group also published thirteen Working Group Notes.

The following seven are related to XML Security 1.1:

The following six Working Group Notes conclude the XML Security 2.0 work:

For earlier news, visit the Previous News page.

Latest Publications and Current Drafts

Links to the latest publications and current editor drafts are available from the Publication Status page. Please send comments related to these documents to [email protected]. There is a public archive of comments received.

See also the list of the XML Security published Technical Reports.


Optional teleconferences happen as required. See the WG Members Page for upcoming meeting information. Minutes are posted to the list; WG members are obligated to review, correct, or counter any proposals or consensus achieved on the call on the list. Minutes approved by the WG are publicly archived.

Test Suites, Public Code and Toolkits

If you would like to appear in this list, send an announcement to the XML Security public mailing list.

Background Reading

Chair: Frederick Hirsch
Team Contact and Security Activity Lead: Thomas Roessler
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