DOSFon - Better fonts for the DOS-Box and editors - design like the fullscreen DOS-fonts

  This page is available in German language too
Since I installed my first Windows 3.0 I have been annoyed with the ugly fonts for the DOS-Box and the Fixedsys size 14. With Dave Emmett's font editor 'Softy' I have made new fonts for the DOS-Box and a replacement for the Fixedsys fonts: 
Their design is in contrast to the fonts shipped with Windows; their design leans more towards the typical VGA-BIOS fonts but I made a lot of modifications for a better visual effect.
DOSFon is the name of the package that contains the ANSI fonts 'DOSLike' with CP 1252 and the OEM fonts 'NewDOS' for DOS-Boxes and consoles. 
The fonts in 'NewDOS' have the OEM-flag set and their internal name is 'Terminal' to make Windows uses them for DOS-Boxes and consoles.

DOSLike.FON is an ANSI-font with CP 1252 (like Fixedsys). Its sizes are 8x15, 9x16 and 10x20. They are freeware for private use. Of course everyone can test them for a appropriate time.
I use them for programming and for texteditors.

7 Pt. (7x11):

DOSLike 7Pt

9 Pt. (8x15):

DOSLike 9Pt

12 Pt. (9x16):

DOSLike.FON 12Pt

14 Pt. (10x20):

DOSLike.FON 14Pt

NewDOS.FON contains four new OEM-fonts for DOS-Boxes and consoles. These are 8x13, 9x16, 10x19, 12x23. These four fonts are freeware for private use. Of course everyone can test them for a appropriate time.
They are available with Codepages 437, 850, 865 and 852.

Some general information about Codepages you can find here.

CP 850 contains the Euro currency symbol at position 213 as defined by IBM.

The fonts are freeware for private use only.

Click on the screenshots to open a screenshot of a whole DOS box.

NewDOS.FON 8x13

NewDOS.FON 9x16

NewDOS.FON 10x19

NewDOS.FON 12x23


  NewDOS Fullscreen (Licence version)
The licence version contains fonts for nearly fullscreen DOS-Boxes and Console windows. I have designed an additional 16 fonts for 25 line boxes and a further 5 fonts for 50 lines. The sizes of the fonts result in DOS-Boxes that fill the screen as best as possible. For each common resolution there are at least two fonts - for DOS-Boxes with and without a toolbar and for a desktop with or without a visible taskbar.


The fullscreen fonts are not freeware.

To make the space around a DOS box black I've made (6K).

To keep users from closing DOS boxes by means of the X button, I've made (5K).


  How to install
If you get them as executable, simply execute it and follow the instructions. If you get them as ZIP file, unzip it. Then open the Windows Control Panel and select 'Fonts' there. Open the File menu and select 'Install new font'. Select the folder where you unzip the fonts too, select them and click OK.
If there is no menu item 'Install new font', the Fonts folder lost its file attribute 'System'. You can repair it easily with Microsoft's tool TweakUI.ZIP. Select 'Repair' and then 'Repair Fonts Folder'.

The NewDOS fonts appear as additional sizes in the list of 'Bitmap Fonts' (Win9x) or 'Raster Fonts' (Win NT/2000/XP) resp. in the properties of all DOS boxes and console windows (see screenshots from Windows 9x/ME and NT/2000/XP).

BTW: It makes no sense to install more than one codepage at the time. In the preview it works to select different codepages of the same sizes, but for the DOS-Box Windows alway uses the same font.

Users of Citrix Metaframe may be interested in this message from a forum at 'The Thin Net':

DOSLike appears whereever the Windows font 'Fixedsys' appears.


  Slow DOS-Box under NT/W2K/XP
Under Windows NT, 2000, XP and 2003 Server the DOS-Box is incredible slow. Especially the response on keystrokes and the screen refresh are tardy. I thougt that there is no way to improve it, but there is TameDOS

For a single DOS-Box you can improve the response on keystrokes and the screen refresh.
Furthermore it limits the CPU time of the DOS-Boxes. So the rest of your system becomes faster and you can open more DOS-Boxes at a time on Terminal-Servers.


  Known Problems
- In rare cases the new font sizes aren't listed in the font settings of DOS-Boxes and console windows of Windows NT4, 2000 and XP even the fonts are installed correctely.
So far I've not been able to reproduce it and I've no idea what's the reason. So test it before you buy it!

Here you can download the tool 'Fix Fonts Folder':
Maybe this helps.
Or this text from the MS knowledge base Q247815

If nothing helps, you can try the harder way. If you open the SYSTEM.INI in your Windows folder you will see something like this:

If you change the first or one oft '80' items to NewDOS.fon, New850.fon or however your font files are named, the new sizes should appear in the list. Maybe a restart is required.
The same settings are found in the registry too under
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Console\RasterFonts
and another one to try under
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WOW\boot (oemfonts.fon)

Under Windows 2000 and higher there is the default font for consoles and DOS boxes in the registry. For a western european Windows, the default font is vga850.fon. By editing and executing this reg file, you can enforce a different default font, for instance NewDOS.fon:

Since Windows 10 Release 1607 it's all screwed up. Additional raster fonts are still listed in the console's settings dialog but only the Windows fonts are actually used. The option "Use legacy console" in the console windows settings makes other fonts work again but this disables even the most basic enhancements as pasting from clipboard by pressing Ctrl V.

- It's not possible to install more than one codepage at the same time. Windows offers then the same font sizes twice and in the preview it really uses the different fonts. But for the DOS-Box it always uses the same.
You can solve it by opening the fonts you want with Softy and save them then to a new font file. But each size only once!


  The Font File only in a ZIP
(10KB each)
With Setup Program
(220KB each)
ANSI Codepage 1252 DOSLike.ZIP DOSLike.EXE
OEM Codepage 437 NewDOS.ZIP NewDOS.EXE
OEM Codepage 737 New737.ZIP New737.EXE
OEM Codepage 850 New850.ZIP New850.EXE
OEM Codepage 852 New852.ZIP New852.EXE
OEM Codepage 862 New862.ZIP New862.EXE
OEM Codepage 865 New865.ZIP New865.EXE
pseudo*1) OEM Codepage 1252 New1252.ZIP New1252.EXE
*1) New1252.FON contains 3 ANSI fonts with Codepage 1252. That's the codepage normally used under western Windows. But the font has the OEM flag set and its internal name is 'Terminal'. Therefore Windows list the fonts in the settings of the DOS-Boxes and Terminal windows. The font sizes are different from the other codepages to make a parallel install possible (8x15, 9x17 and 10x20).
The combination of an ANSI font and the OEM flag is 'illigal', so I hope you know what you do.


last change: 16 Dec 2016

Sorry for my poor English - corrections welcome.

Uwe Sieber
