
Grand Archmage Of The Wizcord

@wizardpigeon / wizardpigeon.tumblr.com

it/it's radio/radium, el hombre en castellano y gallego, Tranny Faggot and happy about it , 18

to the two people I saw walking down uckfield highstreet December just passed, who were walking kinda close together but not touching, until one of you looked up and caught sight of me with my big leather jacket and weird hair and nudged your companion, and then once you'd both seen me you reached over and took their hand

We never spoke and Im not sure if you knew that I saw you, but I noticed, I had to try very hard not to react because I didn't want you to get nervous about it, I hope you're both doing well, that memory still makes me smile when I think about it


I want to apologize to my friends and family who have children for low key treating their kids like dogs but the standard methods for training dogs are even more effective of them because they actually understand language and are better at reasoning.

Positive reinforcement is amazingly effective, like I saw my nephew poking their cat so I sternly told him no, he stopped and I immediately changed my demeanor and cheerfully told him thank you and how happy I was that he listened to me instead of staying angry at him and he got this strange “Oh…It actually does make a difference wether I’m naughty or not” and later my sister in law asked why he’s so polite around me.

That’s literally what works best on dogs. Let them know when you don’t like what they’re doing but also let them know when you’re happy with them even if that means changing your demeanor on a dime (and even if you’re still a bit mad at them for doing it in the first place).

Oh and little treats. I skipped the aunt phase and is already turning into a grandma who has candy in her pockets for the kiddos for good behavior.


i'm gonna be honest i don't get why they say everypony instead of everybody in mlp. it's not like the word everybody is human-specific. the ponies have bodies. the word everypony, however, is pony-specific in a world where ponies are not the only people in their society, which means it would be more accurate and inclusive to use everybody instead of everypony. it all makes no sense to me


maybe they all hate spike..?


oh my god

oh my god


imagine simping for capitalism this badly


A Christmas Carol never even says that Scrooge gives up anything at all, or even somehow stops being super-rich.  He just stops being a dick about it and starts using his wealth to help people.  Scrooge isn’t even written as an indictment of rich people, since plenty others appear in the story and are presented as perfectly nice people.  Scrooge is a miser.  He doesn’t even use his money to help himself, which is called out as the reason he dies within the year.  Learning to care for himself is just as much part of the Ghosts’ lessons as learning to care for other people.

how dare Charles Dickens, a man once sent to work in a factory at age 12 while his father was in debtors’ prison, inflict such Wokery upon us as “caring about the poor”


disclaimer: I am east asian. if anyone who is not white sees anything wrong with my phrasing, inaccuracies, or insensitivity, or something I missed, please feel free to add on. I'm just one person with one perspective; none of what I say should be taken as The Singular way to draw an Asian character. if you havent done so already, please take the effort to expand your view of Asian culture outside this one tutorial.

if a white person reblogs this and adds something stupid I'm going to bite and kick you like a wild animal

Dumb question from beginner artist: how does one identify undertones? Does anyone know a good resource for learning this or can someone explain it? I see the term and think I have an idea of the meaning but I have no idea which resources for this are good

Basically undertones refers to whether there’s a pinkish tint to the skin or a yellowish tint. These are charts you can find by googling “undertones chart” or whatever

Ultimately it’s kinda just up to practicing eyeballing colours. Keep a character’s undertone consistent between drawings and you should be good. And you can always google random faces and try some quick sketches for practice


It’s great to diversify and draw POC!


This is actually really helpful thanks! :D

Anonymous asked:

dick makes people mentally ill. dick havers, dick wannabes and dick lovers are all insane. it's like toxoplasmosis, you have compulsive need to defend and push and worship dicks all the time and spead your dick mania to everywhere you go.

this seems rational and grounded in empirical evidence


#lost in a fugue of penis delerium


reblog to spread your dick mania to everywhere you go


Genuine question, if the ceo killer intentionally left behind his backpack for the cops to find (given that it was filled with monopoly money) then why did he have a copy of his manifesto on him and not in said backpack? Let alone just on his person while in a fucking Mickey D's.

Apparently the manifesto is also just around 3 pages and only has roughly 200 words, give or take. He has posted book reviews that are much longer and wordier.

The guy is absolutely some fall guy with planted evidence so the media can have a "satisfying" ending and swiftly move on, cops have lied and killed for less and they need a scapegoat asap before people realize that ceos are mortal.


saying “women should just stop dating men if they don’t want to be mistreated” is extremely similar logistically to “we can stop teen pregnancy if everyone is abstinent” like the flaw in it being that regardless of your moral opinion on (heterosexuality/teenagers having sex), people are going to do these things. accept it or don’t but it’s literally just the fact of the matter

same goes for sex work too. it’s always existed, and will continue existing whether it’s legal or not and whether you personally disagree with it or don’t. or drugs, people will do things you find morally or logically objectionable. you can either mitigate the damage and give victims and addicts avenues to seek help or continue plugging your ears about it, but only one of those options is going to help shit


You can't say sex work always existed because that's not true.

bewildering conversation i had yesterday after this


saying “women should just stop dating men if they don’t want to be mistreated” is extremely similar logistically to “we can stop teen pregnancy if everyone is abstinent” like the flaw in it being that regardless of your moral opinion on (heterosexuality/teenagers having sex), people are going to do these things. accept it or don’t but it’s literally just the fact of the matter

same goes for sex work too. it’s always existed, and will continue existing whether it’s legal or not and whether you personally disagree with it or don’t. or drugs, people will do things you find morally or logically objectionable. you can either mitigate the damage and give victims and addicts avenues to seek help or continue plugging your ears about it, but only one of those options is going to help shit


You can't say sex work always existed because that's not true.

bewildering conversation i had yesterday after this


one thing that i've noticed and begun to seriously appreciate upon rereading the watch novels is --

sam and sybil are not in love when they get married.

they like each other, but they aren't in love. and i think this is why sybil seems to be kind of in the background of men at arms and feet of clay, like, sure, she's his wife and he appreciates her and cares for her but he doesn't love her -- yet.

and i think it's the knitting moment at the end of jingo when it happens to him. like that john green quote about how you fall in love slowly and then all at once? i think the moment when he comes home and she's been trying to knit him socks but she's no good at knitting and so it ends up being a scarf instead of socks -- i think that's the "all at once".

and then after jingo, suddenly sybil matters more to him, appears more in his thoughts, he's so proud of her in the fifth elephant for everything she does (she is such a badass in the fifth elephant), and it's the cigar case she gave him that is what he longs for amd desperately needs to hold onto in night watch, the memory of her. she's much more important to him and his perspective in the later watch books, and yes the doylist interpretation is that sir terry developed the relationship more as he grew as a writer because he didn't feel like he was very good at writing romance, but i like the watsonian interpretation --

that sam vimes was not in love with sybil ramkin when he married her, but instead fell madly in love with her along the way.


I'd like to highlight the beginning of this especially. Sam meets Sybil in Guards! Guards! and falls into a relationship with her after. In Men At Arms, when he's coming up on his wedding, we get the following passage:

Be honest with yourself, Sam: do you care for her? Don't say 'love,' because that's a tricky word for over-forties.

In the end, of course, he does marry her; he decides that he does care for her, and that his care for her is enough to offset the parts of his life that he's willing to compromise to make a life with her. That this is something he wants, that they both want, even if they aren't madly in love.

He falls more in love with her later, but I want to emphasize that even if he never had, that would have been all right. It was enough for them to get married because they cared for each other and made a good partnership. It was enough that Sybil wanted to be married, wanted a partner to share her life and her inheritence with, and wanted Sam Vimes to be that partner. It was enough that Sam liked her and cared for enough to be that for her.

It's fine to make a life together with someone you aren't romantically, or sexually, madly in love with. It's enough that you care for one another, and that you make a good team. It's more than enough.

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