
Webbgirl's Squee

@webbgirl34 / webbgirl34.tumblr.com

I'm Cin. And I'm...Old...really old. Queer as in f* you. She/her/hers. If you're under 18 this likely isn't the place for you. I randomly post about whatever is obsessing me at the moment.

I'm not really in the business of giving proof, not because I'm a liar or gatekeeping or whatever other word you wanna throw at me, but because it's about protecting people. People are scared to say this info out loud because it affects their jobs.

But not giving proof isn't the way today is going, I guess. And I get in theory that people don't wanna baselessly assume the worst about their favorite show. I have more to say on that, though, that I'll save for another day.

There's this comment and others like it (on a post made today about productions making people work) calling out 911 today for having people on set and not letting them leave:

Anyway, my heart goes out to the people of California. Please stay safe if you're in that area.

If you're able, please donate to help the LAFD and others fight these fires:




I’ve said “I hate this” so many times on this website, and never actually meant it, because “I hate this” is just shorthand for ‘this is an example of a meme given a twist I wasn’t expecting with intent to surprise’. Which is, in of itself, a meme on this site. God damn it.

But this… This is something else.

The rapidity of a meme’s introduction to its zenith to its decline is so rapid that in ten years, you’ll need a damn twenty-page manual to explain this. It’ll be as unfunny and hard to explain as jokes in Shakespeare plays, except even more inexplicable because fuck, at least Shakespeare’s jokes are usually about anal or fucking your mother, good wholesome sex jokes we can all get behind.

For the love of fuck, how do you explain loss.jpg? How do you explain gun?




it is a YMCA reference - that’s one of the 6 memes being represented here

ok let me see if i can break this down easily. YMCA is the easiest place to start - the song itself has become a meme over time with people changing the lyrics to reference other pop cultural events. so YMCA is meme one (1)

this first lyric replacement (”take the breadsticks and run”) is a reference to the tumblr meme ‘stuffing breadsticks into my purse’. i think everyone remembers that one so i wont bother to explain it. that’s meme two (2)

“man door hand hook car door” is a meme of its own, a creepypasta from i dont remember when. it was a terrible stupid retelling of the generic ‘stuck in a car while hook handed man tries to kill us’ story so the stupid title caught on for memorability. that in and of itself is meme three (3)

‘gun’ is… yeah i dont know how to explain gun. long story short you add gun to the end of a phrase instead of what you expect the last word to be. its shock funny. its everywhere but its popular to add to “man door hand hook car door” for.. some reason? gun is meme four (4)

and the thing is, this four meme combo is something thats gone around before. meme combos are, itself, a meme. which means taking this meme combo and mixing in another meme actually becomes meme five (5)

which leaves us at loss.jpg. loss.jpg was a terrible bad comic supposed to be about some tragic event, but it was presented so poorly literally no one takes it seriously, and for some reason recreating the four-panel setup has become popular. so thats meme six (6)

(but i need to add that this is the greatest version of loss.jpg i think i’ve ever seen. the initial ‘young man’ lines up with the guy bursting through the door, and the shock meme ‘gun’ matches the shock scene of the woman in the hospital and idk if OP even thought about that but it makes this just so much better)

I wasn’t going to reblog this, but @pagesofkenna‘s comprehensive meme-by-meme annotation is a thing of beauty and should be shared.

average tumblr post contains one meme, this post, which contains six, is an outlier and should not be counted


it might also just be a coincidence due to loss.jpg’s format but the whole white minimalist four-panel setup is also suspiciously reminiscent of those early 2000’s rage comics

I was getting a political compass vibe too

tag urself im man door hand hook car gun

This works better than I thought it would.

This was in my senior project

I’m not sorry.



We have officially created a new language 

I just had to do it to em





W o w

You know I had to

I hope you know this is the most cursed addition to my post, and I love it


SOMEONE EDIT THIS FROM THE ORIGINAL PHOTO SAYING “this one does not spark joy” TO THIS VERSION SAYING “this one sparks joy”


well i added my contribution : )




This is the most elaborate meme I have ever seen and damn am I concerned by how it makes sense.

“You’re in your 30s, but you still understand all this meme stuff?” “Oh yeah, sure.” “Can you explain it to me?” “I absolutely fucking cannot.”

One does not simply explain this


Another freaking layer!!!

16 motherfucking layers

In the future someone’s going to ask me to explain this and I’m going to be at a loss.jpg for words

I’m not reblogging this because I want to. I’m reblogging this because sometimes you’re a witness to history whether you want to be or not, and you have to embrace that. 


No keep going, let’s see if we can brake tumblr. If we do let’s use it to brake fb and twitter

You’re chaotic neutral I love it


What he said

Struck by inspiriation twice lads


My humble contribution

I love going through the notes of this and seeing my 16 layer version and 24 layer version circulating.

ive added my end of the chaos


@lowkeyjustvibing what the fuck did you just reblog?

I don’t fishing know

Has this been done yet?

had to contribute to tumblr history

Oh my god this is tumblr history

oh my god my mutuals are doing this too

Yes we are✨

my hand slipped oop

fool i posted my meme before you

oh okay then-


I dare some one to keep going.

I couldn’t scroll past this and not make an addition 😂

Thank you 😝🤣


i spent half an hour on this addition hope y’all are happy


My humble contribution

I made one

This was a journey, and I’m glad I got to experience it

ooohhh another ending!!


if shes your girl then why have i slowly been replacing her parts until there’s nothing left of her original body? is she then still your girl?

They ship of theseus’d my girl

Can’t have shit in Detroit


this actually perfectly demonstrates the transitive property of memes: you can replace a meme piece by piece until it only structurally resembles the original, and it is, in fact, the same meme.

call that the meme of theseus thesis


tumblrites can have a little intertextuality as a treat

my naym is ship and when i’m broke the broken part from me they toke

replace the part had been the plan but in the morn hand door car man

*me shoving transitive properties into my purse* sorry, I have to go

We owe the reddit refugees an apology for making them see posts like this

no we don’t this shit is enrichment in their new enclosure

*slaps roof of Tumblr* This baby can fit so many rare vintages, you just have to go deep enough, there are some great memes in the cellar, come see


i respect those people who have sideblogs for all their different interests, if you follow me, you’ll just have to accept you’ll be submitted to whatever nonsense i’m into at the moment


You know, as clunky as Josh's Glee speech was, I really think the SPIRIT of it reveals just why Tommy is such a divisive character, and I honestly think it's because Tommy is AT LEAST an "elder millenial" and possibly late Gen X (cause fuck a timeline am I right?) and portrayed pretty accurately to that experience, and a lot of the people who are so rabidly against him are much younger. And they just cannot fathom the world that queer millennials, elder millenials, and Gen X grew up in and had to survive in. Like, the rules were different guys. So, so different.

So yeah, it makes perfect sense to me that Tommy resonated DEEPLY with a lot of older queer people and a lot of younger people just don't understand why he would.



yeah like, i don't think younger people fully realize how immersively queerphobic and transphobic pop culture was before very, very recently.

if there was a queer or trans character depicted, they were almost always a joke or a spectacle. or, if they weren't, the only option for a dignified portrayal was to make them as background and incidental as possible. if a character READ as queer or trans or genderqueer to an LGBTQ audience, that relied on a certain amount of ignorance from heterosexuals to work (like oh they're just eccentric)

9-1-1's franchise record on representation is as good as it is because it kind of brilliantly allows its LGBTQ characters to exist and arguably have just as much narrative weight as the hetero characters, even if it's in an unrealistic soap-opera context as 9-1-1 is wont to do.

i am almost tempted to say that the writing with buck and tommy is more subtle and well-executed than a lot of what we see on the show, but i actually don't think that's necessarily true, it's pretty overt about the dynamic it's trying to portray -- but i actually think that because of how well lou and oliver are portraying the material that it's almost a little difficult to see. they have wildly good chemistry with each other and portray such a genuine affection between these two characters that the "generational" divide feels incidental, when realistically, it's something that two queer people of a certain age would have to probably discuss at some point in their relationship.

buck is supposed to be in his 30s, roughly around my age (maybe a little younger?), someone who would have been growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, and Tommy is i guess supposed to be in his 40s? this really isn't much of an age difference in the grand scheme of things. but because of buck's whole Childhood Emotional Trauma deal and his open, kind nature, he makes an incredibly good stand-in for a younger queer generation because he just isn't aware of anti-LGBTQ bigotry in the same way as he would have been if he'd been exploring his identity at a younger age.

it's actually a pretty great device for exploring the evolution of public queerness in the last ~30-40 years using a character story and it became incredibly emotionally resonant because of how well the actors have been performing it. we are encouraged to feel both the pain of discrimination and the joy of acceptance and being out by witnessing a truly electric connection between two people who have very different queer experiences.

i haven't actually seen season 8 yet but i'm basically fully spoiled on the plot points. while i could only be forced to watch the television program Glee at gunpoint and the inclusion of it was absolutely just masturbatory ryan murphy nonsense i appreciate what they are trying to do.

it does feel unfinished and i feel like the only appropriate resolution is to have buck & tommy be together forever, proving via the narrative that we can honor our past suffering as an LGBTQ community while coming fully into a future where we never have to hide who we are ever again (buck is going to continue to make love to that old man)

Reblogging my own post to agree SO FUCKING HARD with the above add-on.

People do not understand--or willfully ignore--how casual the queerphobia and transphobia was only a short time ago. Like it's not good NOW, make no mistake, but things really have come SO far. I'd have to liken it to the really old cartoons from the 30's, 40's, and 50's and their baked-in racism and sexism. Think of the most egregious example of beloved cartoon characters doing blackface or yellow face and how CASUAL it was...like to the point where people didn't even think it was malicious, it was just a funny joke cause that's how life was.

That's how it was with queerness in media literally until about 15-20 years ago. Ellen Degeneres is mostly known for being a disingenuous bitch on her show now, but like...the episode where her character came out on her show was an EVENT. There were protests. Public denouncement. It very nearly ruined her career (before she went and did that anyway). I was in high school when Matthew Shepard was killed and looking back that was one of the first moments where I remember sitting up and taking notice of how very much gay people were regarded as disgusting and subhuman. This poor boy who was only a little older than me, who died horrifically, and people that I thought were GOOD people around me were talking about how he brought it on himself. How he DESERVED IT.

Look, do I think they deliberately set out to encapsulate the experience of someone growing up queer in that particular time frame and portray how deeply that environment and the things you would have to do to survive in that environment can fuck a person up? Probably not. 911, much as I love it, is not usually that deep.

However, they DID manage to encapsulate it...whether through the writing, the acting, or an accident of fate, they created a character that resonated with a lot of people and put a story that is deeply, deeply important and groundbreaking on TV. You can't preach and preach and preach about how important representation is, and then get mad at people who see themselves represented and want more.


This woman was my first female role model outside of my family. I grew up watching mash with my mum and I just adored Margaret.

She showed me you could be tough, disciplined, determined, smart, good at your job and ambitious without sacrificing your feminity to do it. She was a Major, Head Nurse, and a woman, and she enjoyed being all three.

Plus she was damn good at it.


Stop saying “there are plenty of fish in the sea”. I’ve got my eye on one specific, emotionally distant salmon with commitment issues

I'm personally after the white whale that took my leg


I also want the whale that took this guys leg

Not amab or afab, but a secret third thing. Hmm what could we call it



Holy shit I knew it was bad but this is DIRE


There’s more content on ao3 for my old Latin textbook curriculum than there is for raid shadow legends and I think that says a lot


wait hold on let’s set raid to the side why’s your latin curriculum on ao3

It’s a series of a couple books that follow the story of a Roman family and you have to learn grammar and translate each chapter

I read through the results and apparently a lot of people ship Cornelia (daughter/main girl) and Flavia (her friend who was there for like 4 chapters and never again)

So my Latin textbook’s fandom’s most popular ship is gay, basically

All latin textbooks have fandoms.

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