i cant live without you
you can't be saved . you are alone
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Icicles, Stebbins Gulch
medieval revival medieval modern design hehehe #Castlecore
broken nose Next time.. hopefully
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i hate men because they corrupt my beautiful pure mind with angry and violent thoughts. if i didn't live amongst them i could probably achieve nirvana. if i'm reborn as a mosquito you know who to blame
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im so convinced i was some kind of really bad person in my past life and my current life is my punishment for what ive done
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Graves near Harquahala Mine, Arizona (2006)
Source: Flickr / arizonatraveler
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Athena and her coat of snakes, Acropolis Musuem
Ceylon Tea Trails in Sri Lanka
Source: 53v3nfrn5
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Underneath my hometown