See the thing is that if you keep saying "I bet everyone hates me I'm so annoying" is that its annoying. And people hate it. So it's a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy isn't it. You know what's also a self fulfilling prophecy? Acting like you're hot shit until you become hot shit
i can't wait for all the life series planet and space symbolism to include that fuckass car now
When Jimmy sang "Think of all the fellas that I've never kissed" and looked at Joel 😭
did you ever feel like you’re being watched all the time?
I've seen people say that Joel didn't give a shit about Gem, and that's why he quickly brushed off her death, but I disagree. That man has told Gem that he would willingly go into yellow and kill Pearl if Pearl ever killed Gem.
I personally think that the lack of reaction to Gem's death was because of the fact that Gem died to a vex. Had Gem died to another player, he would've gone and chased that person down to avenge her.
Stop saying “there are plenty of fish in the sea”. I’ve got my eye on one specific, emotionally distant salmon with commitment issues
I'm personally after the white whale that took my leg
'Irredeemable media' is such a funny concept to me because it's never used for stuff like Birth of a Nation or A Serbian Film. It's always The Owl House or My Hero Academia because these people only watch things for children and can't stand any conflict more complex than Super Mario Brothers.
When I'm in a missing the point competition and my oppenent is a tumblr user
Everyone’s going on about having a ‘traditional, old-fashioned Christmas’, but when I burst into the house covered in green paint and demand a champion strike my head from my shoulders with my own axe so that I may return the blow next year, I’m ‘scaring Grandma’.
My favorite part of this post is that somehow a small drummer boy who moonlighted as a chimney sweep in London from the age of 3 managed to fall through some kind of time warp into the ancient Middle East 🤣🤣🤣
a party of adventurers that are all equally convinced that they are in completely different forms of media
the mage keeps giving smug glances in the direction they assume a camera is in. the fighter keeps getting indignant about missing attacks because of "bad dice rolls." the rogue is doubtful that a villain is gone for good because "nobody ever stays dead in comics." the paladin attributes fortune to "good rng." none of them have even considered that "tumblr post" was an option
Autism Speaks Canada is "concluding its operations" on January 31st 2025!