cannot find a way to capture on camera exactly how much my bandaid judt scared me taking a sip of water
I don't think modern Tumblr actually has that many trans women, I figure it's still mostly cis people since that's just how demographics work, however I do think trans women are disproportionately really good at posting and that's why it feels like we have a much larger presence than we do because our posts keep blowing up
Just watch
thats what the whole show is about dumbass. breaking=bad
Things are happening on reddit
I dont remember saying that
mistreating him
petting him
minxy family guy master post
visit the wiki page for wave (audience) for more fun facts!
reddit is having a glitch where it puts the wrong captions over photos and it’s the only thing i care about right now
there's a massive cadre of people on here who can best be described by the phrase "be gay do war crimes"
this is not intended to be a funny quirky joke meme phrase it's a description of american or otherwise western gays with deeply imperialist and racist tendencies, you do not want to say you're this person
Genuinely can you shut the fuck up. do you hear yourself rn
@clarissa39 are you sure you kicked the racism and imperialism? Cause it sure doesn't fucking seem like it
Yeah you're right, it's an ongoing process to correct my attitudes and it's going to take a lot of time and effort but is very much the right thing to do. What I mean here is what I have done and been complicit in in the past doesn't go away because I'm getting better and trying to correct my past errors.
Also because I was involved in the YPG in Syria as an irregular, so an illegal know, a war criminal
Like very literally this is why I joke about it.
you could've led with that last part and saved everyone a lot of trouble but it is admittedly very funny that you didn't
I love this place
More hot gossip from the frozen north, musher #2 is getting penalized for not properly field dressing the moose, which is an assload of work even if you're expecting to do so and not surrounded by a pack of dogs that are expecting to run 1000 miles in the next few days.
i could not make this up
for what now? for rule what? for what kind of infraction?