
A Small Bird in a Big Place

@thesummerestsolstice / thesummerestsolstice.tumblr.com

Call me Magpie | Hopeless Lesbian | she/her | Silmarillion Fan | TheSummerestSolstice on Ao3

I've always wondered what the latter generation Finweans thought of the Doom of the Noldor. Most of them lived through the horrors of the First Age, suffered alongside their parents, uncles, etc even though none of them were involved with the kinslaying– hell, most of them probably weren't even alive. How do you come to terms with the fact that you are paying for the crimes of your relatives? That you were, before you were even born, doomed to suffering and death?

Did Celebrimbor think his father deserved to be slain for what he'd done during the kinslayings? Did he think he deserved it for being a kinslayer's son?

What did Galadriel think when she was cast out, even though she'd fought in defense of the Teleri? Did she ever resent the Valar for refusing to let her back for so long? Did she feel like her actions were justified, right until the end?

How about Idril? Did she think her mother's death was fair pennance for the Noldor's disobidience and the actions of her uncle Fingon? Did she ever wonder why it had to be Elenwe who suffered, when neither her nor Turgon had any part in the murder?

Earendil? He was no kinslayer, and neither was his mother or his grandfather, but the Doom came for him and Gondolin anyways. Did he resent the Valar for that? Did he resent them for leaving Middle-Earth to suffer?

Elrond? No doubt he saw, far more viscerally, exactly what unnumbered tears looked like when he stayed with the Feanorians. Did he think it was a fair punishment? Did he think his own pain was acceptable collateral damage? Did he think all of Middle-Earth was acceptable collapteral damage?

When Gil-Galad turned Annatar away from Lindon, did he do it because he suspected Annatar wasn't a true emmisary of the Valar? Or did he just not want to speak to a representative of those who had damned his people for something many of them never did?


Celebrimbor: Oh, so the Valar sent Glorfindel back??

Elrond, who accidentally necromancied him back to life: Uhhhhh,,

Glorfindel, now slightly eldritch, very excited to be alive again: They sure did!

Celebrimbor: Weird, why wouldn't they send him back with the Istar?

Gandalf, who thinks this is incredibly funny: The will of the Valar works in mysterious ways, Lord Celebrimbor. I'm sure the reasoning behind their choices will become clear in time.


A List of Very Convincing Reasons why Elrond Peredhel Cannot become Noldor High King after Gil-Galad, written by Dnorle Lehderep

  • He's like Finwe's great great great grandson; that's clearly too many generations away.
  • Also he's technically a Feanorian and they're like, super cursed and also dispossessed so maybe he shouldn't be in the line of succession.
  • No one can agree on whether his claim comes from the Nolofinwean or Feanorian lines. Clearly the best solution to this is for him to not be king.
  • Galadriel is right there.
  • He turns into a bird sometimes and everyone knows that birds can't be elf-kings that would be silly.
  • Yes, he does have one of the three rings "for elvish kings" but Cirdan also has one of those, and he's not an elvish king, so frankly it doesn't matter.
  • Gil-Galad's will, which states that Elrond inherits the crown, was clearly forged. I will not explain how. Trust me on this one.
  • C'mon guys he's not even technically an elf. Yes Melian was a queen over elves without being an elf. Yes Dior was a half-elf elf king. I don't see what that has to do with anything.
  • Do we really need a king?? Apparently some edain are experimenting with a new system called "democracy" and fraknly that sounds a lot better and cooler than having another king.
  • We'd have to get the crown resized again and that would be a lot of work.
  • He wears his hair partially down. In public. If that's not scandalous I don't konw what is.
  • I know his followers keep talking about how great of a leader he is, but they're mostly Feanorians, so clearly that doesn't count.
  • Galadriel. Is. Right. There.
  • He probably doesn't even speak Quenya. Don't ask anyone at court to confirm this.
  • He's very busy revolutionizing the field of medicine in Rivendell right now, please leave me him alone.
  • Clearly he doesn't wear enough jewelry to be a proper Noldor king.

A Birdwatcher's Guide to Rivendell - Expected Sightings

(Exerpt from Bilbo Baggins' A Hobbit's Traveling Companion)

  • Many species of singing finches, some of the color and kind of the Shire, but some of bright hues– dusty pinks, deep purples, and gentle greens– that I have yet to see anywhere else.
  • A great number of sweet-singing nightingales.
  • Ducks. For the avid birders among you I would recommend visiting in the spring and early summer to ensure you see the duckling season.
  • An exceedingly small type of shimmering bird which does the work of a bee and which the elves refer to as "hummingbirds." Feeders are set up for them around the valley and, with much patience and time, they can be convinced to eat out of one's hand.
  • A number of swans, both black and white. Very elegant, though best witnessed at some distance. One of these has silver feathers and often seems to be "laughing." This one you will find on certain days only, usually following Lord Elrond.
  • A small population of chickens. Apparently they were a gift to Lord Elrond, and intended to be eaten, but instead have become the collective pets of the valley. They are dark-feathered and, apparently, dark-fleshed, though I can't be sure of that last bit.
  • Addendum to the previous note about nightingales: there is one in particular, which sings much better than the rest, though much more sadly. It is easy to recognize, as unlike all the others, it is pure white.
  • Owls. The natural kind in Rivendell are the horned ones, though you will occasionally also spot barn owls, which are apparently messengers from the witch of Lothlorien. They are given time to rest and eat before being sent back, and enjoy perching on any in the valley who will let them.
  • Doves and pigeons, of all shapes and colors, taken as both messengers and as pets by various inhabitants. Lord Elrond is occasionally numbered amongst these, though I can always pick him out.
  • Eagles, which are magnificent to behold. One particularly large bird– which can speak in elvish tongue– occasionally joins the household for dinner. I am told his name is Thorondor, and that he has a long-standing friendship with the Lord Glorfindel. He has also obliged my of my questions about the history of the First Age.
  • Pheasants and quails of many varieties. They appear to gather in the valley because hunting is forbidden there, and enjoy mostly peaceful lives because of it.
  • One magpie. Initially I thought there was a small population, but after careful observation, there really is just the one. He's a fiend about shiny objects, and difficult to spot, but has a rather remarkable singing voice, especially for such a bird. I have found him often in concert with the white nightingale– a behavior I have not observed amongst any other birds. It is a marvelous performance, and I wouldn't miss it.
  • Lindir, who has the most birdish mannerisms of any elf I've ever met, and who therefore counts as one, by my reckoning. He does also sing very nicely.

Broke: Gondolin was a serious, conservative, prudish city.

Woke: The Gondolindrim were stuck in one city for 400-ish years with no Morgoth threatening them and basically nothing do to. If anyone in Middle-Earth was entertaining themselves with festivals and ragers, it was them. We're talking drunken moshpits, people getting thrown into fountains, endless romantic intrigue between most of the Lords, the whole nine yards.

Bespoke: The Gondolindrim were party animals but they all agreed that what happens in Gondolin stays in Gondolin and never talked about the parties after the fall; which is why Gondolin gets a reputation for being so serious and boring. Most of the Gondolindrim, and especially Turgon, think this is hilarious.


I feel like between the Feanorians, the Gondolindrim, and the Iathrim, Elrond must've been like, one of the best guarded people in Middle-Earth. There's always some 8000 year old elf (who probably committed multiple crimes in the First Age, and who would have faded several centuries ago except for sheer stubbornness) looming over his shoulder. Are they armed? Probably. Are they willing to shank someone for threatening Elrond? Absolutely.

He's told them, multiple times, that Rivendell is a peaceful realm, and that them standing around menacingly and making vaguely threatening gestures is kind of messing with the vibes. They always smile, and nod, and then go back to exactly what they were doing before.

(Emotionally, most of them still see Elrond as the determined, plucky War-of-Wrath era teenager he hasn't been for millennia now, so while they respect him and care about him, they don't always actually listen to him)

(Elrod sics Bilbo on them)


Notes on Keeping the Children Alive, by Maedhros Feanorian

  • One of them tried to bite me yesterday. A spirited effort, but doomed to failure. I will teach them how to do it better– their teeth are certainly sharp enough for it.
  • Woke up with flowers growing through the crack in my bedroom window. I suspect this is their doing. They are not very good liars.
  • Letting them climb on me has proved an effective bribe for good behavior.
  • They appear to like being tall. (possibly related to being descended from Turgon and Thingol??)
  • They stopped being afraid of me faster than most adults. Am I losing my touch???
  • Disregard previous note. Eldritch monsters recognize each other.
  • Am teaching them how to make the most of their shapeshifting abilities for political intimidation. They are shaping up to be menaces. Good.
  • Twins are old enough to begin swordfighting, and clearly eager, regardless of what Maglor says.
  • I have taught the children to argue with Maglor. I am certain they will eventually wear him down.
  • Gave the children more blankets so they would stop using my cloak as a blanket. New blankets have been resolutely ignored.
  • I am sure they'll stop commandeering my coat if I ask them.
  • I have decided not to ask them. (They are very cute when they are asleep)
  • Children are now attempting to negotiate their way out of bedtime.
  • Small animals appear to like the children. Especially birds.
  • They found a kitten in the stables yesterday. They would like to keep it.
  • Teaching the children to argue may have been an error.
  • Children asked whether it was possible to have three fathers. I am uncertain why. (Thingol homophobic??)
  • One of the children called me "Atar" today. Definitely did not cry about it. Not even a little bit.
  • It appears the children were asking about three fathers because they would like to be adopted.
  • I informed them that two fathers was the limit, but that Maglor could be their second mother, if they like.
  • Kano was too stunned at being acknowledged as the children's parent to correct them about calling him "Amme." Another successful plan.
  • (Kano, if you're reading this, then yes, this is payback for referring to me as a "brooding drama queen" for patrolling Himring's walls, in a very un-dramatic way, like a normal, responsible lord)
  • (Also, you of all people do not get to criticize me for being dramatic)
  • The children's Quenya is finally good enough for them to start reading higher level diplomacy treatises. I couldn't be prouder.
  • The children have never done anything wrong, ever, in their lives. I know this and I love them.

AU where Ulmo is *really* committed to making sure Nargathrond and Gondolin make it through the First Age and tells Turgon and Finrod to build their cities underwater.

He plans to use some of his power to give them gills.

He does not tell them this.

Eventually he figures out that he should probably explain himself but Turgon and Finrod both spend a few very panicked months trying to reinvent the entire field of architecture.


Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:

  • Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
  • They are very fond of maple syrup
  • One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
  • It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
  • They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
  • This bodes very well for their education in music theory
  • They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
  • Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
  • They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
  • Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
  • They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
  • They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
  • Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
  • They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
  • They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
  • Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
  • They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
  • Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
  • I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself

You may be asking how Finrod knows that some humans are venomous. You see, it was actually very simple. When Balan first kissed Finrod's hand (as a very proper show of fealty) the hand felt warm and tingly for hours afterwards– a clear sign of some sort of venom! Just like one of Finrod's pet snakes!!

Now, obviously, Finrod had to test this further. So he had Balan kiss his cheek (Balan seemed rather enthusiastic about the idea, frankly), and what would you know!! The spot on Finrod's cheek felt warm and tingly, and his whole face flushed red. Clearly, more evidence of the venom.

And so Finrod asked Balan to kiss him on the lips– for science, of course. The strange warm feeling and the blush returned, and Finrod found himself feeling rather giddy and lightheaded for the rest of the day–  in fact, he almost fainted into Balan's arms. Naturally, he shared his very important conclusions about human venom with his the rest of the Eldar.

Edrahil, who witnessed the entire incident, did *try* to convince Finrod to look at possible alternative explanations for his "symptoms," but Finrod was too busy planning rooms for Balan in Nargathrond to do that.


Notes on the Care and Keeping of the Peredhel, by Maglor Feanorian:

  • Need to eat three times a day, more if they can be persuaded (they do not seem to have the refined palettes elves do, and do not like my attempts at Valinorean fine dining)
  • They are very fond of maple syrup
  • One of the human healers told me they were "growing boys," unsure of the significance of this– a reference to their shapeshifting abilities, perhaps?
  • It does not appear that they will reach a full elvish height, though that may change
  • They can hear high tones that elves can, but humans can't
  • This bodes very well for their education in music theory
  • They do not appear to have the venom that some humans do, as evidenced by the fact that both Mae and I have been bitten several times with no ill effect
  • Still, I am thankful that Finrod warned me of this human feature, as it has served me well in many battles
  • They have not bitten anyone in months, which I appreciate, especially given how sharp their teeth are
  • Boys said that they could talk to shadows– unsure whether or not they were just attempting to scare me (ask later? Bribe with maple syrup??)
  • They like having their hair brushed, but do not like any of the scented hair oils we have at the fortress
  • They refuse to eat bird meat; unsure of why but I won't push
  • Elros prefers wooden toys, Elrond fabric ones, and neither of them is fond of metal
  • They grow faster than elves, but are still too young to begin intensive battle training, Maedhros
  • They are very sensitive to the cold, ensure that they have ample blankets and cloaks, especially in winter
  • Feel much better after spending time with them– those who spent time around Luthien reported similar effects
  • They appear to appreciate being pat on the head
  • Based on information by uncle Arfin (regarding Eonwe), this is common amongst Maiar
  • I've only had them two years, an incredibly small time in the face of the centuries I've lived, but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this fortress and then myself

The story of Gil-Galad being invited to Elrond and Elros's adoption ceremony, and the story of how such an adoption ceremony came to be in the first place. Featuring eldritch Peredhel, M&M's questionable decisions, and Feanorian followers doing their best.

[Written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2024 for the wonderful art #101 by @jaz-the-bard]

This is one my my three pieces for this year’s Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang! I had a great time working on the collaboration, and I hope you’ll enjoy this Kidnap Fam longfic, with angst, fluff, and everything in-between.


Glorfindel returns to Middle-Earth, unsure of what he will find after thousands of years in Mandos, but determined to help the new Noldaran in any way he can. Between the strange inhabitants of Lindon, the mess that is Noldor politics, and whispers of a growing darkness in Eregion, he has his work cut out for him.

[Written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang 2024, for the excellent art #58 by @oopsbirdficced]

This is one of my three pieces for this year’s Tolkien Reverse Summer Bang! It was a wonderful experience to make a fic for this great art, and I hope people will enjoy my take on Glorfindel’s return to Middle-Earth, his relationships with Elrond and Gil-Galad, and how he deals with the general chaos of the late Second Age.


When the Dagor Dagorath doesn't go to plan, Feanor is sent back to the Years of the Trees to try and fix things. Unfortunately, he doesn't remember any of that. What he does remember is that he might need to tweak his latest project. Surely, there must be something better than gems for storing treelight. Right?

[Written for the Tolkien Reverse Summer Band 2024 for slide 151's wonderful art by @ununumtroissept]

This is one of my pieces for TRSB 2024! I had an amazing time on the collaboration– if anyone is fond of fix-its, time travel, and Finwe’s children actually getting along, I think you’ll have a fun time with this fic.


The Brightest Idea

I'm so excited to reveal my second artwork for @tolkienrsb 2024.


Stay tuned for the upcoming story written by the wonderful @thesummerestsolstice!, which will be available on the 6th of September.

I am delighted by the direction of the story they came up with, and I can’t wait for you to read it!

So glad I was able to write a collab for this amazing art! I can't wait to reveal it to you all. :)


Another note on the Silm-as-hobbits AU:

Instead of half-elves, Elrond and co. are Dwobbits, so instead of making the choice to be mortal or immortal, they have to make the Dwobbit choice.™️

The Dwobbit choice is whether or not they grow a beard. They can always cut it or grow one later, so it isn't permanent. It also has very little bearing on their day-to-day lives.

It is treated exactly as seriously as the Peredhel choice is in canon by everyone except for the actual Dwobbits, who think everyone else is being insane.

Maglor, tearful: Ai, Elros, my child, I do not understand why you've made this choice, and I grieve for it, though I respect it.

Elros: Dad. I grew facial hair. Calm down.

Glorfindel: Elrond, does it ever sadden you to be sundered from your dear twin? Do you ever miss him??

Elrond: ...

Elrond: Glorfindel, you know Elros lives down the street, right?? He was at tea with us yesterday.

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