A radfem just followed me [ew], so reminder I am TRANS, I love trans women, I love trans men, I love nonbinary folk, I think we should support trans kids, trans men are men trans women are women & nonbinary people are whatever they say they are, I support porn, I support sex workers, I think sex work should be decriminalized, etc, etc etc
If you're a radfem go fuck yourself !!!
Also to add: don't fucking try & argue w/ me. I don't care to argue & don't want to discuss this. At best I'll be deleting what you said & blocking you at worse I'm gonna tell you to go fuck yourself.
Also for the dumb people: You can critique the porn INDUSTRY & fight for the people trafficked/forced into it [same w/ IRL sex work] w/o demonizing the whole profession dumbass [Not to mention people trafficked into either aren't sex workers given that they're ya know BEING TRAFFICKED FORCED INTO IT & you're dumb as hell if you hear someone say "I support sex workers" & interpret it as "I think trafficking is okay :)" like ???].
Leave me alone I'm not arguing, if you disagree once again fuck off don't randomly try & convince me I'm wrong.
If you don't think anti-transmasculinity/transandrophobia is real, or if you think trans men/transmascs are being transmisogynistic for talking about their own oppression, fuck off [& to be clear: Some people do talk about it in a manner that IS transmisogynistic, that's not who I'm talking about. I'm talking about thinking the inherent convo is bad]
& ofc if you're transmisogynistic fuck off as well !!!!