

@t-s-n / t-s-n.tumblr.com

and i could go on and on forever, and i can stay mad and lonely, whatever. but i would rather have a friend, than have a muse.

tired of seeing people once again using us as a talking point of how transphobia is bad only to benefit them as trump got inaugurated


- in response to trumps transphobia: there are more than two sexes, because intersex people exist

- β€œintersex ppl are biologically queer”

- in response to banning trans women from women’s sports: β€œwhat about intersex people”

- etc

like holyshit

like things that would actually benefit intersex people (and trans people to a certain extent):

- calling out intersexism , including using us as talking points and igm (intersex genital mutilation)

- pointing out how policies that affect trans people disproportionately target hyperandrogenic intersex women as well and taking it equally seriously

- etc


it took the internet exactly 2.3 seconds to fully erase the Jew and Romani hatred from modern day Nazi ideology and make it about hating liberals and queer people and honestly anyone who is engaging in that kind of revisionist bullshit can fuck right off and unfollow me.

The Nazis told people that disability and homosexuality were products of Jewish people existing and part of our plan to undermine their little Aryan nation and once they got rid of all the Jews, gays and disabled people would be no more. LGBTQ people were never the primary target, and Jews were blamed for all of it regardless. You cannot separate naziism and fascism from Jew hatred and pretending otherwise is disgusting.


y'know, *lights cigarette* back in my day, subcultures used to be about the culture, and not just the appearance of it to people outside of it. *puts cigarette in my mouth the wrong way* ow ouch owee ow oww


dont understand people who "don't like" valentines day... I personally dgaf that its "made up" and "commercialist"... i love heart shaped things and i love everyone in my life. Its really simple

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