Please stop and listen.
When I ask you all to do everything you can, it is not a suggestion.
Nour's posts often get thousands upon thousands of notes, however somehow he hasn't received any donations in 2 whole hours and even before then only received them sparsely.
I understand that some people truly, honest to God cannot donate and to those people I hold absolutely no contempt. I myself have no bank account or job so have only been able to donate to a few USD campaigns by converting old birthday money to giftcards.
But, that's the thing, right? Not to over-inflate my own contributions, but despite my own situation I have still been able to donate to some people. So, it's clear as fucking day to me that unless ALL of your money goes to bills and food (streaming services don't count, anything recreational DOES NOT COUNT), that you are all making excuses.
Unless you meet the description I previously described, you can donate to Nour. He and his family are in constant danger of dying. They live in a squalid tent with a newborn baby which they are unequipped to take care of properly because they are suffering under a GENOCIDE. READ THE WORD. READ IT AGAIN. I would also like to add that Nour's other child is also struggling to receive basic resources. A single carton of milk is $60 USD, and diapers are $80 a box. They can barely scrape by with what little money they have. Do not grow numb to it and do not grow complacent because millions of people, thousands upon thousands of newborn babies just like Nour and his wife's little son, they are subject to constant displacement, surrounded by bugs and disease, and are literally in danger of starving to DEATH.
You don't need to buy that new game. You don't need that new shirt. You don't need to go see that (LIKELY BDS BOYCOTTED) new movie.
Most if not all of your spending money right now should be going to help Palestinians like Nour and his family. There is no excuse. Plain and simple.
I have nothing else I can say to make you people finally understand the gravity of the situation.
Help him. Now.
$21,377 USD/$45,000
Hello everyone, I've added details to the post so please reblog this version. Thank you.
Thank you very much, my dear brother. I hope you always care about my campaign and spread it for the sake of my children