u can be as mad as u wanna be

@sumikatt / sumikatt.tumblr.com


pinned post

this blog is 18 only, no minors.

feel free to tag me in gfm donation posts!

hi, call me sumi or shai. if you know me by another name feel free to use that as well! 20s they/he pinoy nonbinary genderfluid, fag, tme, nonblack. no gendered terms please. i love the block button

everything tagged “#my art” and posted by @sumikatt is CC BY-SA 4.0 (Attribution-ShareAlike) unless otherwise noted. im a commie and i like to share, please @ me if remixing. more of my art can be found at @shaiuwuai

if you’re interested in art commissions, message me or send a request on my VGen!

some tags for your browsing pleasure below:


I know so many older people say “you don’t need your life sorted out in your 20s” but like. I can’t get a job. I don’t have my own car. I still live with my parents. My degree in Game Design is fucking useless. My excruciating twenties

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