the world.. is in turmoil. and people.. are in pain. even still we can take comfort in knowing that there is bucket of wet slop. grins.
Kendrick Lamar: wacced out murals
I must sleep. Sleep is the mind-healer. Sleep is the big-life that brings total ability to fucking do anything. I will face my bed. I will permit the blankie to pass over me and snores to pass through me. And when sleep has gone past I will turn the outer eye to greet the new morning. When the sleep has gone there will be everything. Energy and will to live will remain.
Jacopo Zucchi (1541-1590, Florentine) ~ Amor and Psyche, 1589
'green corridor yellow room' by joāo paulo feliciano, 1997 in 26ª bienal de são paulo (2004)
wait oh my god you’re 16 ignore the anon hate. umm i love nagito
youre on a first name basis with komaeda?
no joke zero exaggeration this would fucking fix me
musk is going to die in a Tesla explosion in 6 months after sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and we will never get a conclusive answer on whether it was a CIA car bomb or just a normal Tesla malfunction
Like to charge, reblog to cast
You need to have the 28 other mods and all their dependencies for this mod to work, plus all the mods that they depend on. You also need to go into your x69 files and delete the .gloop file (NOT the .gleeb file!!!) and you need to run CuntExpander to generate a working skeleton for the animations and when that's done you have to reconfigure PNIS (which you should honestly be using NippleSense by now) and then deploy mods, uninstall then reinstall everything, then run PNIS again IN A SEPARATE FILE and deploy. Then it should work 👍
Trimmings of a Coptic tunic, around 700 Design/execution: unknown. Material/technique: wool, linen, slit knitting, 20×20cm
The museum of Zurich University of the Arts
Hey guys, with so much love, and as someone with an actual English degree:
Please just use Sparknotes if you're going to do this. I get it. I do. But chatgpt or other genAI shit doesn't actually know what's important for you to know, and in some cases it might fully make shit up. Use sparknotes. Failing that, talk to someone who did read it. I'm begging.