Introducing Dr. Sylvia, the most accomplished of RubbermonCo's surgeons.
Herself a rubbermon, her suit is fitted with a host of surgical equipment including sedatives, adhesives and cutting tools, all of which she has full control over.
She opted to retain her speech abilities and, in stark contrast to the majority of rubbermons, is a dom. Despite having 4 legs now, her extra tendrils provide her with just as much dexterity as a human. She holds herself with an air of professionalism and is very well-respected.
She was already one of the world's best surgeons, and her prowess enables her to perform conversions on her own. Since she can still speak and was awake during her procedure, she can give to-be-rubbermons a precise rundown on how the operation will go down.
She allows candidates to touch her body, feel her altered joints and such, and provides information about how her body is fit together.