
You ever make up a person and then get obsessed with them?

@sniffingcinnamon / sniffingcinnamon.tumblr.com

Bcuz that happened to me with one of my ocs | Professional Procrastinator | Amateur Artist | Minor | She/Her | PFP made by @a-oct0

Intro Post

I'm just gonna put my other socials here

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Important OC posts: |1-

If you see me ever reblog a Palestinian GoFundMe It's because I was either tagged or I was sent an ask about it.

You can find those under the tag #gfm

I also run the Neo Agent 3 Fanclub community!

Other things coming when they do.


What cuddling positions do everyone prefer?


Acht and Four tend to stick with big spoon and little spoon, though they alternate who is in which position.

Callie and Elita tend to just kind of squish into each other and tangle themselves together.

Marie and Shina like to rest their heads on each others shoulders.

Shiver and Birch tend to lie down next to each other, and then one of them will rest their head on the other’s chest. Much like Four and Acht, they alternate who does what.

Frye picks Elle up and holds her like she’s a princess, then refuses to let go. 

Pearl and Marina don’t have one go-to cuddle position, they’ll cuddle in every way possible. They just like being close to each other.

Big Man wraps his fins around Eight and Captain like a burrito. One fin for each cephalopod!

Thank you for the ask!!! Neo likes to butt in when its feeling lonely, and will often invite itself into a cuddle. No one really minds though, if anything they find it endearing.


Do any of these dynamics change when someone falls asleep in swim form?


I designed an agent 4! Just scroll through my blog to find it.


oooh!!! I just found the design! I love them!!! I like the idea of them being a striped pajama squid, and how you show that in her tentacles/hair!


Fun fact about pyjama squids: they're both poisonous and venomous.

They're also technically cuttlefish, but I didn't know that until I finished the design.

wait that's so cool!! I didn't know they could be both poisonous and venomous! And the fact that they're technecally cuttlefish is also very cool to me.

Another fun fact about them: they have an absurd amount of plushies.

*me, surrounded by my absurd amount of plushies*

I think I like this squid

It's at the point where the foot of every wall in her room is aligned with plushies.

I admire that level of organization

Mine are in little nests all around the floor lol

One time 8 fell asleep on the floor of her room and Four mistook them for a plushie!

Anyways, that's how 8 developed a crush on Four.

that is the cutest thing ever and is an amazing way to develop a crush

Another completely unrelated fact:

Before 8, 4, and captain got together, 4 took a few select plushies to rest with on her bed nightly.


side order au where 4 is in the spire and went a lil insane

they reverse engineered the helmet to block most of the towers signals but it started making them a conspiracy nut


I designed an agent 4! Just scroll through my blog to find it.


oooh!!! I just found the design! I love them!!! I like the idea of them being a striped pajama squid, and how you show that in her tentacles/hair!


Fun fact about pyjama squids: they're both poisonous and venomous.

They're also technically cuttlefish, but I didn't know that until I finished the design.

wait that's so cool!! I didn't know they could be both poisonous and venomous! And the fact that they're technecally cuttlefish is also very cool to me.

Another fun fact about them: they have an absurd amount of plushies.

*me, surrounded by my absurd amount of plushies*

I think I like this squid

It's at the point where the foot of every wall in her room is aligned with plushies.

I admire that level of organization

Mine are in little nests all around the floor lol

One time 8 fell asleep on the floor of her room and Four mistook them for a plushie!

Anyways, that's how 8 developed a crush on Four.


My prediction for the later chapters of deltarune is that one of the secret bosses is gonna make you fight "your beautiful creation" and play it up like it'll be the vessel, but it's actually just the thrash your ass machine again


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