
Make loss.jpg jokes about translation instructors

@septmilleneurones / septmilleneurones.tumblr.com

Except mine. She's normal.

People who see entire demographics of humanity as “the enemy” are so baffling to me, whether they’re incels/misogynists or racists or radfems or whomever I just look at them and wonder why you’d choose a life of such misery. People of a certain gender, sexuality, race or whatever demographic are not inherently your enemy just because they are part of said demographic. Gender and race essentialism is incredibly dangerous and untrue and it especially confuses me when people who claim to be trans allies abide by the former because that mindset is especially dangerous to trans people.

People are individuals, not a hive mind. Society as a whole has massive issues, and some groups may benefit from them more than others (like how the patriarchy hurts men but they still benefit from it far more than women ever will because it has men in mind, albeit only a certain type of man), but individuals are individuals. And what a depressing life it must be to instead navigate the world believing that millions of people are beneath you before they’ve even spoken a word.

I’d be more moved by this if this site didn’t constantly shut down legit discussions about misogyny. When placed in that context, posts like this just read like the conservative politician in my country who told the media that she was “tired of being demonised for being white”.


If a man attempts to strangle you, he is 700% times more likely to kill you than before he ever put his hands around your neck. Men KNOW that this is an easy way to hurt and kill women.


I'll just say (once more) that the absolute vitriol and violence aimed towards radical feminists compared to actual hate groups is very telling.

They’re not afraid to do things to radical feminists because they know we’re not an actual hate group, and they’re not scared of us.


I know SEVERAL afab nonbinary people who, as soon as they came out as nonbinary - immediately began dressing in ridiculous hyper-femme outfits they never would have worn before.  A lot of people see this and say shit like “Theyfab” or say they are only nonbinary for attention.  After all, look how femme they are.

But to me, this makes perfect sense.  When you are forced into the category of “woman” against your will, femininity is a chore.  It’s a job that you have.  As soon as you say no, I’m not a woman, suddenly femininity isn’t your job anymore.  It’s not a requirement.  It’s just a fun hobby you can get into.  Or a little treat sometimes.

Literally me. I can stomach femme outfits now for work and even enjoy it now I know it doesn’t count


why doesn’t it count…………


so femininity is a costume? a clown show? its drag? its a performance? YES. IT IS.


like not wanting to be feminine bc youll be seen as a “feminine girl” is you thinking ppl will treat you a certain way because of that, its percieving sexism.

wishing to not be treated like that doesnt mean youre not a woman, because women shouldnt be treated like that.

this shit is so infuriating because theyre so close to getting it, but cope out by just declaring theyre not women

again, i did tjis too. i claimed i was in drag bc i participated in femininity for whatever reason (acceptance, wanting to look good, for fun, etc) but i hated it and hated the way i was percieved based on it…..



of course i did it too and understand theyre not concious that theyre sticking their heads in the sand….its for some a route of maturing and realizing how they can present and what they should expect from other people as treatment…… but jfc



the idea that reading is 'supposed to be' some kind of unenjoyable gruelling intellectual penance is also so goofy because like, good fucking luck disciplining yrself into cultivating a habit you hate and that makes you miserable i guess! it's like if you insisted people's food should be bland or unpalatable in the name of Health and anyone who ate something tasty was morally inferior and a societal danger. oh wait

I can’t remember if I already commented on this post but this doesn’t mean “keep reading stuff you don’t like but say positive things about it”. It means “find something you are actually going to enjoy reading”.


"Bitch" does not belong in the mouths of men, at least not to be used on women. I know it's not popular to make comparisons, but it is no more your word than the R-word is to the intellectually-abled or the N-word is to whites or the K-word is to gentiles. What have women, as a class, experienced if not oppression as real and historic as any?

"It's just used so often." Yeah, and that's a second problem; ubiquity does not a non-issue make. The universality of sexism doesn't make it "less" of a problem--it makes it a bigger one. The fact that "bitch" isn't taken seriously as a slur and the fact that it is so commonly-uttered are factors that walk hand-in-hand.

If you look at its history (and present!) and the way it was intended and the secondary class women have historically occupied in relation to men, it absolutely does fit the classification for being a slur. It's not technically one which men, as an oppressor class, can reclaim for themselves. It literally means "female dog" and to this day is still used to degrade women--even if it is also used in other ways (men & women calling men "bitch," women reclaiming it, people using it rather more to indicate an unpleasant person (even though this person is still statistically female.))

Women have received other pejorative language, some of them animal-based, others targeting their character: this is one among many, and all are evidence of misogyny.

The word, itself, targets a particular, oppressed sex, and words have an effect on the collective cultural psyche--the little things matter. Sociology 101.

Also, being oppressed on some other axis does not magically cancel out sexism or privilege. If we can understand that racial slurs don't belong in the mouths of white women even though they are women, then we can understand why gendered slurs should not be used on women even if the man is oppressed elsewhere in the political hierarchy.


It blows my mind how fucking tone-deaf men can be to what makes women uncomfortable. We're raised in a society that tells us as children to watch out for half the human population or we'll be assaulted, but then as we grow up we're gaslit by that same society to "give them a chance, not all men are that bad!" BUT we also see the SAME society blaming assaults all on the women who gave them a chance! As if she should've known better when you hamstrung her instincts for who's dangerous by telling her everybody and nobody all her life! Anybody can be dangerous! But not that one and you're a b*tch for thinking he is! Even if you were right! But if you gave him a chance and he assaulted you, you should've known better!

And then the "safe" men, who have never given an ounce of empathy for this to a woman in their lives, will happily invite a woman to hang out and then talk about or play music about p*rn habits, putting a woman in her place, "b*tches and hoes", "suck my dick", all that shit and have no clue she's uncomfortable. It won't even have crossed his mind.

And he'll have the gall to act offended when you finally tell him off.


Gisella Perl was forced to work as a doctor in Auschwitz concentration camp during the holocaust.

She was ordered to report ever pregnant women do the physician Dr. Josef Mengele, who would then use the women for cruel experiments (e.g. vivisections) before killing them.

She saved hundreds of women by performing abortions on them before their pregnancy was discovered, without having access to basic medical supplies. She became known as the “Angel of Auschwitz”.

After being rescued from Bergen-Belsen concentration camp she tried to commit suicide, but survived, recovered and kept working as a gynecologist, delivering more than 3000 babies.


I want to nail this to the forehead of every anti-abortionist who uses the word “Holocaust” when talking about legal abortions.


I’ve been looking at Disabled Discourse (bc it pops up on my dash) and apparently people made a term called “MERDs” (Mental Exclusionary Radical Disableds?) that’s basically comparable to “TERFs”. Simply because the “Cripple Punk” community is about being physically disabled…and wants to focus on that

I think this is proof that people just pull out terms from their ass and are upset because people want communities for themselves.

Not every community is for everybody and…that’s ok. Idk why now this society is so obsessed with letting EVERYBODY in. People don’t realize that movements are meant to focus on certain issues that affect certain people. Or some communities are meant to bring together certain people together because they’re a marginalized group and/or a minority group.

Idc if “MERDs” don’t like me. I’ll support them from a distance— physically disabled people deserve to have their own community too. Even I can acknowledge that my struggles with autism (for example) isn’t similar to a physical disability, such as someone who requires a wheelchair most of their day.

Mental disability & physical disability, we have different needs and different issues to discuss..

As with so many things, I care about what happens outside the internet. I don’t care that physically disabled people want their own corner of the internet. I do care that treating my PTSD cost me $5000 out of pocket while my recent two-year physical illness was covered by public healthcare and health insurance. And to be honest it does make me wonder how much of this thing where mental conditions are in one category and everything else is in another is because That’s How It’s Always Been rather than actual critical thought. Neither my PTSD nor my physical illness has rendered me unable to escape from a burning building - an argument that is often brought up in these discussions - yet one of them is considered similar to people with mobility issues and the other isn’t. That is a bit weird. I’m not trying to join anyone’s support group and I’m sure as hell not coming up with cringe ass terms about it. I just want my country to give more of a shit about mental conditions at a material level and I want the population to give more of a shit about making that happen.

Anonymous asked:

is it just me or do white women get blamed a lot more for shit (on the left) than white men do? and i’m saying this as a black woman. i just had to scroll past a video where this white woman was like ‘more and more im starting to understand trump’ (which is, of course, insane and understandably made ppl upset) but then some white dudes in the comments were like ‘white women age terribly’ (which…what the fuck does that have to do with anything the white girl said about trump?) and someone called him out for the misogyny of it all and said ‘white men got critiqued, it’s time white women got critiqued as well’. and the comments were full of ppl (even other white women) being like ‘white women are the worst’, which is like. fine, some white women do deserve critique for their beliefs and values and the way they perpetuate racism, especially from women of color, but i can’t help but side-eye the people that do this all the time as if it’s ONLY white women that do so. like, did we forget that white men are also a problem?

i feel insane for even pointing it out but i even get uncomfortable with the way some moc talk about white women…idk it’s like they think that adding the word ‘white’ in front of women will shield them from misogyny allegations, as if misogyny is acceptable as long as it’s toward the correct target. i keep quiet about it because i don’t wanna get called a pick me or a traitor or anything but goodness! and it’s never done in good faith! i fucking hate seeing smug leftist white men get on their high horses and make videos about ‘the issues with white women’!

No you're completely right, I feel that way sometimes too.

I think that condemning white women for like, aging badly or other factors they can't control is easier than actually calling out racism or misogyny on an institutional level. You aren't doing a feminism by calling women ugly, regardless of their race!

I literally saw someone on Twitter call a Black woman a Karen the other day for side-eying Ron DeSantis like really? Can they hear themselves? It's actually totally justified to side-eye Ron DeSantis showing up at a majority Black event for hurricane disaster relief and espousing platitudes about racism when he personally said slavery was a good thing (even while the actual Florida history curriculum didn't go nearly that far). The word Karen simply has lost all meaning and if someone is using it unironically, I'm just assuming they hate women now because clearly it has nothing to do with racism anymore and is solely about like, unfuckable women existing in public and having opinions, which I'm not here for at all.


The most annoying criminal justice reformers are childless men in their 20s/30s who can't fathom why women are scared to be around strung-out homeless guys, followed by sanctimonious women who are super proud about not fearing assault even if they've already been assaulted.

This author was assaulted by a stranger but is insistent that fearing strangers is bigoted (or w/e) because most (note: not all) acts of violence are committed by people known to the victim. I don't like being assaulted, regardless of the perpetrator!

Homeless men try to grab me on a semi-regular basis and I dodge and move on, but the level of social disorder I'm willing to tolerate as a small woman is lower than what my tall boyfriend will tolerate and the level I'll tolerate will plummet even more when I have children.


The more I think about the story of how Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's father shook the hand of Brett Kavanaugh's father at their shared golf club and congratulated him on his son's confirmation, the more I want to hurl.

I was raised by my own father, who booked a last minute flight *this morning* because he hasn't seen me in months and genuinely enjoys my company even though I'm an adult who pays my own rent. He would rather eat his own shoe than break bread with men who hurt me, and that's exactly how it should be! The way so many fathers think so little of their daughters makes me angry but also deeply sad.


All the men on social media, making fun of a fat women for moving to Japan because it’s “embarrassing”

Nah, what’s REAL EMBARRASSING is having a subculture of moids called “passport bros” who have no choice but to search for a V̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ marriage partner in different countries because no women wants to date or marry them in the US.

Embarrassing isn’t the right word..more like DISTURBED. That’s real DISTURBING.

What’s real DISTURBING is spending hundreds and thousands on passports, plane tickets, travel necessities, hotels…even gifts to coerce— no I mean persuade their V̶i̶c̶t̶i̶m̶ potential marriage partner. Instead of…idk…fixing their personality?? Fixing the way they view women? Going to therapy? Maybe not date women bc they’re manipulative pedophiles, maybe they need to cut their dick off??? Way cheaper, some of these methods are free!!

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