
Second Beat Songs

@secondbeatsongs / secondbeatsongs.tumblr.com

Songs with every other beat removed

you may think you're a poser for spending your life struggling to imitate cool people you knew once in the hopes that the amalgamation of every funny quip and slice of good taste you've ever picked up from someone else will make you a millionth as cool and likeable as them, but really they're doing the same, and the people they're imitating are too. this chain goes on and on until it eventually ends at shadow the hedgehog

Anonymous asked:

Do you promise that The Goon story is true 🥺

This isn't even in the top 10 dumbest things that company has done, but yes 100% actually happened


While I'm posting here and no longer under any obligation to rep the company, I might as well share this incredibly funny story from behind the scenes that I don't think ever got out: Due to the constant problems we had around "The Chaser" being also a name of a sex thing online (you would not BELIEVE the kind of confused fan mail I had to sort through), in 2019 we had very seriously planned to rebrand our online channels.

After a laborious process whittling down hundreds of potential names we settled on another alcohol related term, a popular Australian slang term for wine, as we thought that was in the spirit of "The Chaser" but also uniquely Australian.

Literally the only reason we didn't end up rebranding was the whole company fell into an omnishambles in 2020, and we were all too busy both figuratively and literally putting out fires to even think about doing a full company rebrand.

And that, my friends, is how The Chaser through sheer dumb luck, managed to avoid what would have gone down as possibly one of the worst company rebrands in the history of everything, when that same name came to mean something else VERY different a few years later:


Tumblr is unique bc like. It's collaborative shitposting and you can't opt in or out. You can just say something about your day then an evil wizard shows up to turn your post into something humorous

Every other site is just one and done, but here a post is a welcome mat to be funnier than you


yeah or sometimes you’ll see a post that hacks into your brain and forever rewrites your instinctual reaction to seeing a pineapple explode




"The Nights" with every second beat removed

This was a tricky one, but I saw in the tags someone said 'this is what life is like without subtitles' so, buddy, here's your subtitles:

Once a young When Nalo's Dis The ani-side co-play

When face with all our Learned ins through They men Vin oo my fade

My Fah he tore no leg away, He took my son and say, Get older why not live a day, Think if they're afraid,

He said in this sax So lie red ember, My phone I was drive, These are hey die! Father T'

Very funky intstrumental

Gundham, Clover, ninetyfive, Can't put Harvey through the shark, He sense your 'fon the shore, Don't Forsyth a-yours Guide you matter wahhhh

One mother whom he said a sway And I was shit I say, One moo-moo ah I live for whey, You can never yay,

He said in this sax So lie red ember, My phone I was drive, These are hey die! Father T'

These are hey die! Father T'

Father T'


can't wait to tell my doctor in 15hrs that not only did the ritalin not work, but it actually made me sleepy

guys, I hear you, but this is not the meds doing what they're supposed to, I swear. it's been weeks of this, and I need to actually have enough energy to do things like laundry and cooking, and other things that I've been worse at since starting this med

like last time I was on adderall, within a week I was getting way more done and feeling more alert! it's just that my current doctor is refusing to prescribe it for me unless I try everything else first. lol I know what adhd meds feel like when they're working, and this is not it

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