
write like you're running out of time

@schoolhouserockk-blog / schoolhouserockk-blog.tumblr.com

Hello! Welcome to this blog! This is a general school blog, and we often post advice, tips, life hacks, and other things for back to school time!

Hello! Sorry to bother, I'm on mobile so I'm not able to see the FAQ but I was wondering what advice do you have for an incoming student starting their first year of college?


Oh boy, do I have some advice. 

  • This will likely be the easiest year of your entire college career, so take advantage of this and get some stellar grades. You don’t know what the future holds, so take this opportunity to start yourself out with a solid GPA. 
  • Don’t get too caught up in college parties. If you’re an incoming freshman, you probably aren’t old enough to be drinking legally, and I think that some college students genuinely forget that underage drinking and owning a fake ID is still very illegal. Don’t ruin your college career over partying. I watched my freshman roommate destroy her GPA because she went out to parties every other night. The parties will still be there when you’re a junior and senior and are actually old enough to drink legally. 
  • Honestly, get a campus job if you can. They’re usually extremely accommodating and only require you to work a few hours a week and you’ll need the extra cash. 
  • Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors. Go to their office hours, ask them to look at your papers, ask them about other classes they think you should take, anything. Get comfortable with them so that you won’t be afraid to ask them questions when you really have them. 
  • Before buying ANY textbooks, check for them on bigwords.com. They’ll find you the cheapest price for the book on the internet. 
  • If you don’t like your major, don’t stay in it! Don’t be the student who hits the spring semester of their junior year before switching their major. 
  • Talk to people on the very first day of class. If you don’t do it immediately, you’ll feel too awkward to try to make friends a few weeks into class. 
  • Don’t skip class! Oh my god, don’t skip class. I don’t care about your newfound college freedom and lenient attendance policies; you are at college for a reason, and I’m pretty sure that reason isn’t to sleep in until noon. 
  • If you feel weird about a class, drop it. Drop it before the deadline. Don’t let yourself get to the 14th week of the semester and realize you’re going to fail a class you could have dropped. 
  • Finally, just take it seriously. College is fun, but it is also SO expensive and you shouldn’t waste thousands of dollars if all you wanted out of the college experience was freedom. You can move out for much cheaper than the cost of college tuition. Don’t waste this opportunity. 

Here are some guides I wrote that might be helpful: 


College starts in a month and a half so it's time to really buckle down and start organizing myself. I cloned the tumblr app so I don't have to bu logging out and logging back in constantly(which often made me not log into this account) So I'll definitely be on more often. How's summer going for everyone? Mod Cheeto Puff

  • Wake up and open your curtains. Your windows too.
  • Drink some tea or coffee, whatever pleases you. Notice every sip.
  • Have some fresh fruit and finish breakfast feeling full.
  • Stand outside and feel the air. Cool or warm, it will make you feel real.
  • Get some exercise. Yoga to soothe, running to breathe, lifting for strength.
  • Take care of your body. Have a nice shower and pamper as much as you want afterward. 
  • If you’re going to work, remember you have the chance to make anyone’s day or to ruin it. Act accordingly. 
  • Weed out the bad language. It’s only creating tension in your body and mind. Kind words are infinitely more appreciated.
  • Take some time each day to improve your mind. Keep reading that great book. Listen to an incredible piece of music. Practice an instrument or a skill. The progress is its own reward.
  • Pictures will help you remember how wonderful life is. But spend less time on your phone and more time seeing the world face to face. 
  • Go to sleep knowing that you have done well. Tomorrow is there with room to become even better.

-Notes to myself on how to become a better person this summer.


cute stationery websites!

If you’re obsessed with cute things (like I am) here’s a list of places you can purchase cute stationery. I’m not sponsoring any of these. They are just here for reference if you’re looking for new notebooks/sticky notes/other supplies for the upcoming school year! Most of these websites also cater to bullet journals as well!

These are the ones I can think of but if you have even more websites to add to the list, please feel free to!

  1. mesh pencil case - sorry i couldn’t find the exact one online
  2. muji ruler
  3. pentel rsvp (fine) - it’s .7 but the it’s not super inky so the lines are still thin !
  4. zebra mildliners (grey) [all colors]
  5. pilot g2 ultra fine (.38)
  6. muji .38 ballpoint pens
  7. frixion slim .38 erasable pens (black) [all colors]
  8. bic #2 pencil 0.5  - these are quite cheap, and not the best quality but it’s $5 for a pack of 24 and they do their job
  9. muji mechanical pencil 
  10. papermate profile ball point pen (1.4) - this pen is super fat and i’m just testing it out [current feelings: not my normal style & the ink takes a while to get flowing, but they’re quite comfortable and i actually like using these when i have a really heavy note taking class]

note: i have an issue i have too much stationery, so this is a very very small section 

[01/30] 30 day studyblr challenge by @hayley-studies


studying 101!

in honor of reaching 600 followers, (OKAY BEST FRIENDS ACTUALLY + more surprises too come!) i decided to make a masterpost for you lovely beings! enjoy!

foods to eat!

-caffeine isn’t the greatest for you, but you will be more attentive

-make sure to eat breakfast, even just cereal or a granola bar!

-fish, good source of protein, enhances your memory as you grow older

-nuts and chocolate, good source of vitamin E, dark chocolate is the best for memory, chocolate is magical 😂

-BLUEBERRIES! loaded with vitamin C and E, they taste wonderful, lots of recipes with them online, sore throat? freeze blueberries :)

there are lots of other foods, but these are all AMAZING!

tips to stay happy!

-get enough sleep every night to be revived the next day

-wake up early and get a chance to see the sunrise once in a while

-make sure you learn something new everyday

-drink lots of water, pee often as weird as it may sound ahh!

ways to study!

-mind-mapping (look at artsy wonderful tumblr photos haha! x, x)

-color code things (3 colors works the best for me)

-FLASHCARDS! (as much as you’ve heard about them… they work)

-sticky notes! (personally a favorite! i put them almost everywhere)

-notes in class, pretty them up at home! (notes masterpost)

-the pomodoro method! (main website

-use the margins! (for questions, answers, helps you review quicker or any notes you need!) 

-create artwork! (not for everyone haha!)

-create flow charts! (x)

general studying tips!

-don’t don’t don’t wait until the last minute, beat procrastination

-reward yourself! (with desserts, movie/tv, or whatever you choose)

-have good lighting (good for your eyes & for taking photos haha!)

-get a planner! even a printable one! (awesome printables, 1, 2, 3)

good apps to help you study!

-Evernote (note taking)

-Duolingo (languages)

-flashcards (general studying)

-Pomodoro (time your studying)

-Lanes (productivity window)

-Momentum (just about everyone has it haha!)

-8tracks (music)

-Forest (site/app blocker)

hope you all enjoyed, happy studying!

-chlöe :)


hey guys! i just hit 1k and i thought that i could do something nice for you guys! i’m really fond of printables because they’re helpful and free!! (who doesn’t like free stuff right?) so that’s why i decided to make this masterpost, enjoy!! ❤️ 🐥

daily printables

weekly printables

weekly productivity tracker by @hexaneandheels

weekend planner by @hexaneandheels

weekly summaries worksheet by @hexaneandheels

v cute planner by @study-well

24/7 weekly planner by @theorganisedstudent​

semester printables

exam printables


assingment printables






mood tracker by @hexaneandheels

other printables masterposts!


Update: Mod Cheeto Puff

Hello, hello, it's been a bit since I've been on and I have been busy, busy, busy. I confirmed enrollment to ColoState in Fort Collins and have been working furiously on scholarships !! I have also already made a few friends through SchoolsApp(which you should check out if youre going into Uni soon 10/10) I have also taken up tutoring every Thursday at the middle school near my high school which has been quite an experience. All my grades are currently As and Bs, and I'm glad that everything is going alright :^D

here’s all the things i could find to help those of you in either ap or regular government!


good quizlets

other tips + tricks

  • my gov teacher recommends staying updated on current events. look at all sides, even if you lean very strongly to one side. good sites are the new york times, the washington post, and the wall street journal. also, watch different news channels, like msnbc, cnn, and fox.
  • ny times is the most liberal and the wall street journal is the most conservative
  • side note: the wall street journal is super hard to read, so definitely pace yourself if you’re gonna try
  • msnbc & cnn are more liberal, fox is more conservative
  • practice writing essays in advance for the ap exam if your teacher doesn’t make you write them!! i can pull some prompts from my old tests if you’d like them
  • use key vocab words!! for example, my teacher always says to use centrist, linkage institution, and constituency. it’ll show fluency in the subject which always helps

i hope this helped!!


My Long Awaited Return is Finally Here

I’m baaaaaaaaaaaaack! I kept forgetting the password to this account so yeah. Sorry! I’ll be on more now. Also, there’s been some changes to my schedule so I’ll be updating that now.

-Mod Haytham

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