
Sarah's Scribbles

@sarahseeandersen / sarahcandersen.com


Hello my friends!

An announcement--I'll be on hiatus from "Sarah's Scribbles" for a bit. I'm working on a bunch of new stories and series that I'm super excited about, and I need to dedicate my time to them so that they'll be the very best they can be.

I'm not vanishing completely as I'm still working on some projects in the Scribbles universe, so you'll see me checking in from time to time!

As always, I'll be back to Scribbles when I'm done with these projects. In the mean time, I'll be posting some of my new works on Patreon if you want to stay in the loop.

Thank you so very much for your support this year! Love you <3


CONTEXT: I wrote/drew this in 2020. Lol. Happy New Year!


Hello friends! Looking for a fun Holiday gift? Or perhaps something nice to help you stay organized? Consider the 2025 Sarah's Scribbles planner! Chock full of comics and new artwork, "Get it Together" is a fun and creative approach to staying on top of things! Snag one here!


VIENNA! I'm so excited to announce I'll be at Vienna Comic Con this weekend at table BE001! See you soon! More info here.


IT'S HEEEERE! "Adulthood is a Gift" is finally out TODAY! Let's celebrate!

I'm so proud of this collection--I always knew I wanted to do five books, and now, with the fifth, I feel like I've told the story of Sarah's Scribbles. If you haven't grabbed your copy yet, you can snag one here!


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