
with love in Christ

@religious-extremist / religious-extremist.tumblr.com

By the grace of God, I am a Christian;
by my actions, a great sinner…

"But nothing causes such exceeding grief as when anyone, lying under the captivity of sin, calls to mind from where he has fallen, because he turned aside to carnal and earthly things, instead of directing his mind in the beautiful ways of the knowledge of God. So you find Adam concealing himself, when he knew that God was present and wishing to be hidden when called by God with that voice which wounded the soul of him yourself? Why are you concealed? Why do you avoid Him Whom you once longed to see? A guilty conscience is so burdensome that it punishes itself without a judge, and wishes for covering, and yet is bare before God."

+ St. Ambrose


Smashing of the Church at Easter Night by Ilya Glazunov

Let us pray someday this is America. And no better a night to strike back agaisnt the church's tyranny then their Easter.

Hail Thor may you be the hammer of the revolution.

Hail Saga may you be the voice of the revolution.

Hail Hel may you be the witness of the revolution.

Indeed, may Americans receive the great honor of persecution for their faith.

May we be courageous like the holy new martyrs and confessors of Russia and die for our faith.

As in history, the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church!

May we be tried like gold in the furnace, purified from our sins. May the soil of this land be sanctified by the sacrifice of righteous believers.

May God bless you, the most embarrassing and cowardly Tumblr user I’ve ever come across!

Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia pray for us!

Holy Martyrs and Confessors of the Faith in China pray for us!


Saint Nicholas Church in Eklutna

she’s one of the oldest if not the oldest building in Anchorage, Alaska and she’s just a tiny church in a cemetery hidden away <3

from j_t_d on flickr & ?


If you watch nature documentaries, isolation is the near universal strategy predators use to catch their prey. The easy example is when lions chase zebras; they only succeed when they can get one of the herd alone, and then the pride all descend on the lone zebra (there's a somewhat pseudo-intellectual tie-in to the word "pride", but that's overly anglocentric). We all know what happens next, it's unnecessary to go into detail there.

But the devil does the same thing to us -- the temptation to "go it alone", to individualize our faith or praxis, I think it puts us in the same position and subject to roughly the same fate. Our enemy will lie and encourage a sort of false-piety, along with the typical emotions, to get us alone: "I don't need church or confession, I have my prayer book", but also "I've been away too long, I could never show my face there." This is also where the impulse to drive people out, to scandalize, to "throw into the deep end" comes from -- those of us on the more fortunate end can't think we're above being, like the zebra who trips the smaller member of the herd, tools of this same scheme.

As in nature, there's safety in numbers and peril in isolation.


I have a question for you.

I need to open this with a confession. About two years ago, there was a girl (17, the age I was at the time) who I was infatuated with, and made sexual advances to her that upset her; a few months later, when I thought she wasn't looking, I took a photograph of her. This upset her; I deleted the picture and apologised, but she was of course still upset. We went our separate ways to university; we'll never see each other again and that's very probably for the best.

All that's to set up the fact that I still regularly pray for her healing, because she's had a rough life - aside from that, I know she had a bad time at a Roman Catholic school, was homeless for a time and had other stuff she wasn't willing to share. Since, as I said, we'll never see each other again and so I can't see how she's doing, I've sometimes wondered if and when I should stop praying for her.

All that is to set up that, last night, I had a dream where we met and she forgave me. I don't know what to make of it; my first instinct was that it was just a dream, but I know that we Orthodox believe that God can speak to us in dreams. I'm going to talk about this with my confessor soon, but I'd be interested in your opinion, since you're an Orthodox Christian on this site that I trust.


It’s definitely something to speak to your confessor about. You shouldn’t cease praying for her because of your dream, however; in fact, I would advise you to pray for her even more. Pray an akathist for her, or a paraklesis to the Panagia on her behalf.

I once had a dream about my grandma, who passed away a long while ago, and in the dream she was in a pleasant paradisiacal place. My spiritual father told me that sometimes the enemy produces these dreams to trick us and give us a false sense of ease about the state of somebody’s soul, so we would stop praying for them. In my case, I was tempted to assume that my grandmother had entered the place of blessedness and to cease or reduce my prayers for her, which is clearly a trap laid by the deceiver.

We should strive to accept these dreams with humility and avoid counting ourselves worthy of receiving special divine illumination, so that we don’t fall into error or pride. In your situation, it would be more profitable for you to think there is a chance that she is struggling these days and needs your prayers more than ever. We might think we help others when we pray for them, but the greatest benefit in praying for another is that we, ourselves, draw nearer to God by our prayers for our neighbor, because in our love for our brother, we become like Him who loved and prayed for us to the Father.

So be zealous in praying and pray for me as well, the worthless sinner.

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