Hi! I’m on this site on my main blog basically constantly so I’m always around even if this blog looks a bit slow! It takes me a while but I do read most everything I’m sent Eventually, so please feel free to recommend comics at any time.
This endeavor is meant to promote webcomics that might be Struggling in the current internet climate where bringing up the topic usually prompts responses like “oh do you mean a Webtoon lol” and “people stopped making new comics like ten years ago what the fuck are you talking about”. With that in mind, I’m mostly interested in helping people who are running their own websites (a comicfury site or tumblr blog is fine!) and who aren’t already pulling in ten thousand views every time they post anything. Additionally,
please don't recommend comics that are signed on with a publisher or already otherwise having their promotion handled for them (so, spiderforest is a-ok; hiveworks is generally Not). They are already getting professional publicity and don't need my help!*
- I encourage you to recommend your own comic!
- I encourage you to recommend your friends’ comics!
- It helps to tell me at least a little about what you’re sending, it’s not like NECESSARY but it makes it easier to navigate my list. Try to keep it under 250 words and no more than one image, just enough to entice people to check the site! It is also okay to send more than one thing at a time, or come back and send me something else later.
- Any genre or rating is okay! I will mark it accordingly if I decide to post it, and if you have any specific warning tags you’d like attached to it please let me know. Keeping any promo images mostly safe for work is encouraged but it's not a huge deal; if something's too much for the blog I'll let you know.
- If the comic is MIRRORED on webtoon or tapas that’s fine as long as I can read it somewhere else myself.
- This blog also sometimes features resources for comic authors to set up their own sites and things! You can find that under the “building a website” tag or the “comic help” tag; I also tag anything that isn’t a rec with “not a rec”
- I try to limit it, but I make a comic and read many of these myself so sometimes the same comic will appear here more than once. If you'd like to avoid that, you can filter out "reruns".
- My name is Aria and you can use any pronouns to refer to me.
- read more fucking webcomics
*Are you going to message me to tell me how hiveworks doesn't actually do anything for their artists? You're not the first and you won't be the last! I hear from disgruntled HW artists a lot, y'all should really consider taking it to your publisher.