

@re-jet-irony / re-jet-irony.tumblr.com

The Once and Future Dick

ur future nurse is using chapgpt to glide thru school u better take care of urself

If it makes you feel any better, 90% of nursing is learned on the job or in clinicals. I've legit forgotten most of what we went over in nursing school because it never comes up. I don't need to remember the chapter about some disease I never encounter, I need to know how to keep the delirious person from ripping out his IVs and launching himself out of the bed onto the floor, which is really the kind of thing you need to learn hands-on.

The real concern is: is the stuff that your medical personnel refer to on the job now being written and "proof-read" by inaccurate AI? There's no way anyone can memorize every single medication, every single possible medical condition, every single thing that can possibly go wrong with the absurdly complex human body. Sometimes we gotta look shit up, and we - and more importantly, the patient - are counting on that info to be true and accurate.

If a patient is on a vasopressor IV to keep their blood pressure up and they also need a particular antibiotic to treat their sepsis and they only have one IV, we need to know if we can run that antibiotic through the same IV as the vasopressor without the mixture turning into crystals in their bloodstream. That information needs to be true and accurate, without AI making shit up about it.


Saw a clip from a lawyer doing divorces and you can't Believe how fast Feminists go Trad Wife when they are told they'll have to pay alimony.

I also find it endlessly amusing that the feminist method of problem-solving for almost any given problem is nagging men to fix the perceived problem for them


"We need to support LGBTA artists and writers now more than ever!"

Yes, my friend! PREACH!

"In the wake of the current news, my book series, which has trans characters, is currently on sale for 50% off~!"

Ooh, not sure how I feel about that one, chief...


“a penis is Ontologically Evil because it’s technically capable of perpetrating sexual violence” damn, wait till you hear about hands!

yeah, so… listen, you’ve just made everyone in the group really uncomfortable because like, you know… you have hands. and some of us here have been hurt by people with hands, so… that makes you, like, a violent offender in the making, you know? because you have hands. and the other day stephanie said that you shook somebody’s hand and that’s like, basically a violent threat to us so. you need to leave actually

Not with that attitude


when will we talk about the willful helplessness epidemic on here. So many people on this god forsaken website demand to have any and all things that exist outside their personal experiences directly, personally pre-chewed and spoonfed to them. And when you do, they'll then ask for you to swallow for them, too, because, you see, in THEIR experience..,

I used to think the phrase "get over yourself" was needlessly cruel and dismissive. Then I got over myself and realized just how frustrating and annoying it is to deal with someone who utterly refuses to engage with anything outside of themselves and their own emotions until they're sufficiently placated and reassured and satisfied.

You really, really need to learn how to set aside your sense of needing to have a role in everything (yes, even if that role is Thing To Be Discarded Or Ignored) and engage with the world as something that exists independantly of you. Your experiences are limited and your interpretation of things is only your own; what may seem obvious or sensible to you is likely unthinkable and baffling to others. What may seem mind-boggling and indigestible to you is very likely something someone else could only dream of being unfamiliar with.

Humble yourself and seek to incorporate others' experiences into your worldview, lest you be doomed to unwittingly enforce the solipsistic belief that your experiences are the only ones that matter with every breath and motion.

Sometimes, things will exist, facts will exist that will not serve you in any way. They will not acknowledge you and will not gratify you with a place in things. This is not a statement on your value or worth or your necessity in life, in fact it is strictly not that; some things just genuinely have nothing to do with you. They say nothing about you, and are unaffected by any truths about you, or any of your experiences. You must make peace with this or else.


Also, it turns out men who rape, sexually assault, or even verbally harass women are widely and openly despised at almost every level of developed societies, even in prison.

The converse, however...


It's more socially acceptable to be touched when it's unwanted by a woman, unfortunately. Be it a slap to the face, or other. It's one of those trusts and privileges that the different sexes receive based on our animal drives and then rationalized based on how you can't punish women for womening in culture. So, some crimes go unpunished, because it's socially unacceptable to punish women for what they do without making the rest of them feel insecure it could happen to them, too.

So naturally for a long time, women only considered it sexual assault or unwanted sexual touching when it came from a man, because of the whole syonymousness with sex involving opposite-sex relations and risk of pregnancy. No balls, no meat log, "no danger."

But if you remove the animal instincts from the equation and live entirely in the concept of equality irrespective of the necessity of biology and empiricism from the equation, suddenly it becomes rape and sexual assault if a woman does it to another woman, without the necessity of having a dick for it to be rape. And if you don't add an asterisk like, * "But she's a girl so it isn't rape or sexual assault really" to slap their hands, then suddenly those statistics shoot WAY up to nearly half.

When I was a kid, radical feminists were very keen on deliberately cooking the books and cherrypicking on the subject of rape, and then using these supposed facts about how men were just biological and cultural rape machines. But they were the ones that antagonized and lobbied and bullied by threatening to smear organizations and groups in office and civic society about how corrupt and male chauvinist and white supremacist society was, if they didn't get through their legislation that declared rape to be something only male bodied people could do, stopping JUST SHORT of saying it's only rape if it happens to women because they couldn't swing that and get away with it without blowback. But, it was implied heavily.

So the image they presented was all these rapes happening per year coincidentally by men (cherry picked so it was only rape if a biological dick was involved, exempting strapons or prosthetic devices) and then suggesting even close to half of all men were rapists at least once in their life. Then attaching that supposed fact to an infexible platform where if you rejected it, it meant you were rejecting other, less damning, more plausible "equality" positions of feminism. And you weren't allowed to do that without being declared a danger to girls for being anti-feminist (like being declared a Gamer Gator, or a Tech Bro, today.)

Tumblr has been fantastic for those little moments of radfems unironically posting these "facts" like this, and the moment hanging in the air long enough for people to actually spit out facts that many gatherings never had in the 80s and 90s conveniently at that water cooler.


Mentioned briefly above but also "If straight women can control themselves around men they find attractive then..." oh wait, they don't.


Any anti-Zionist argument similarly collapses when you put it under the exact same examination... which I'm about to do:

"we were here first" "no, the canaanites were"

As it so happens, modern Jews are also descended from ancient Canaanites/Hebrews/Jews.

So, yes, Jews can and have proved that we're directly descended from those who inhabited this land, just like Arabs.

"We're returning to our homeland."

Except, we never left.

In 1929, Arab rioters massacred old yishuv Jews living in Hebron and Safed because they were mad about new Jewish immigrants arriving in Tel-Aviv.

In 1834, Arab rioters looted and massacred Jews living in Hebron and Safed because they were mad about Egyptian soldiers illegally conscripting and taxing Palestinian laborers along the weakening Ottoman border.

In 1517, Arab rioters looted and massacred Jews living in Hebron and Safed because they were mad about being recently colonized by Ottoman Turks.

Now, Hebron is located in the West Bank, so how were Arabs massacring Jews living in the "West Bank" for centuries if Jews didn't arrive till 1967?

Answer: We never left. Jews were already living there long before British colonists even started calling it "the West Bank."

"But the West Bank is ours because of the bible"

a) Most super-religious, pro-Zionist, pro-Biblical Jews call the region by historical names of Judea and Samaria, not "the West Bank."

b) Why is the region now called "The West Bank"?

The "West Bank" of.... what, exactly?

Oh, the "West Bank" of the Jordan River, which was where Britain split Britain split the Mandate for Palestine down the middle and decided to give ALL LAND to the EAST of the Jordan River to Arab Muslims (and barred Jews from moving or living there), and reserve the land west of the Jordan River for Jews.

However, Arab Muslims decided 77% of the entire Mandate for Palestine and 100% of rest of the Middle East wasn't enough, so Britain and later the UN decided to allocate more and more land on the "West Bank" of the Jordan River to them too.

Way to use a recent Colonial name for a region to argue that you're the pre-colonial inhabitants.

Anyway, back to scrutinizing these unscrutinized points:

"God promised it to us"; a) good luck arguing this in court. B) then why did he take it away from you for 2000 years?

a) If Jews can't argue that they deserve the land on religious grounds, then Muslims don't get to argue that they deserve it on religious grounds either.

b) "why did he take it away from you for 2,000 years"? I can flip that same question back on you and ask, "If Allah wanted you to politically control Israel, then why haven't Arabs won a single war against Israel since 1948?"

c) "why did he take it away from you for 2,000 years" I'm glad you asked: Do the Arab Conquests ring a bell?

Interesting how the current Arab League of Nations just HAPPENS to reside in Arab Conquests became today's Arab League [of Nations].

"And muslims have been sovereign on this land for 1400 years!"

a) I thought this wasn't about religion?

b) Yes, because of centuries of violent religious colonial conquest and suppression of ethnic and religious minorities living in Muslim-majority lands--not just Jews, but Kurds, Druze, Maronite Christians, Sikhs, and others.

In your own words, "that's not how international law works, its utmost principle is a prohibition on acquisition of territory by force; I.e. you can't just steal land by conquest and military power anymore!"

c) If you really want to get into it, Arab Muslim lands were conquered and colonized by Ottoman Turks for over 400 years (from around 1517 to 1917), same as the Jews who lived in Ottoman Palestine.

That's how the European Allies gained Middle Eastern territory to begin with--because the ailing Ottoman Turks entered the war, lost, and had to cede territory to the victors.

But then the same Arab Muslims who cried big crocodile tears about Ottoman Turks occupying and oppressing THEM turned around and threw a raging bitch fit over the same European powers who freed them, deciding to spread the wealth and give ethnic and religious minorities living in Muslim-majority lands some independence too.


c) Yeah, nothing says "moral superiority" quite like Muslims militarily conquering the Jewish homeland (while Jews were still living on it in) and reducing Jews to second-class citizens in their own homeland for over a thousand years.

Not to mention the Pact of Umar, which gave non-Muslims literal "separate-but-diminutive" second class status in Muslim-majority lands, with rules like,

"A Jew must give up his seat for a Muslim who wants to sit there" (Rosa Parks, much?) "Jews and Christians must wear special clothes so they can be easily identified on sight" (very 1930's Germany with the yellow patch).

I can go on.

Ignoring the whole "boo hoo, white bad" crocodile tears from someone who seriously argues that Muslims shjould be

"But we were persecuted in Europe for centuries culminating with the Holocaust."

Not just in Europe, Jews were also persecuted and violently driven out of Muslim lands too, during and after WWII. In fact, Arab leaders largely aided Nazis

And Jews were persecuaMuslims were persecuting Jews living in the Middle East and North Africa during and after the Holocaust. Hence the 1929 Massacre of Hebron Jews. why Jews sought refuge in Israel.

Over 60% of modern Israelis are Mizrahi (Middle Eastern and African) Jews who were violently driven out of Muslim-majority countries in retaliation for Israel being created.

Not only did WWII-era Arab Leaders try to help Nazis eradicate the Jews, but you created the post-WWII Jewish refugee crisis that populated most of Israel after its creation.

So fucking spare me.

"We have a right to return 2,000 years later."

Again, Jews never left.

And Arabs threw Middle Eastern and North African Jews out of their ancestral homes, which created the need for Israel to begin with.

So, spare me.


It's infuriating to look at history, see how Jews have driven just about everywhere, especially in the Muslim World, then see supposed "leftists" look at Muslim extremists trying to wipe out the last truly safe haven for Jews in the world and end up cheering it on instead of condemning it cuz said extremists got smart enough to realize playing the victim garners more support than openly declaring an intent to commit genocide. To the point they'll literally revise history FOR said extremists to justify viewing the Jews as evil!


I am begging people to learn how to accept multiple truths and situational morality instead of this weird hill to die on pure truth stanning culture that appears to be getting more and more popular in fandom spaces. Learn how to identify the nuances, please, I am begging.


"The trannies should be able to piss in whatever toilet they want and change their bodies however they want. Why is it my business if some chick has a dick or a guy has a pie? I'm not a trannie or a fag so I don't care, just give 'em the medicine they need."

"This is an LGBT safe space. Of COURSE I fully support individuals who identify as transgender and their right to self-determination! I just think that transitioning is a very serious choice and should be heavily regulated. And there could be a lot of harm in exposing cis children to such topics, so we should be really careful about when it is appropriate to mention trans issues or have too much trans visibility."

One of the above statements is Problematic and the other is slightly annoying. If we disagree on which is which then working together for a better future is going to get really fucking difficult.

Someone who says they don't care if dudes wear dresses and makeup is a better ally than someone who says they're a safe space for women and non-binary people. I am not joking.


yeah I went to a gay bar recently with my husband tumblr user beemovieerotica, and a VERY confused capital S Southerner straight man in cargo shorts and a trucker hat showed up

apparently he (who through my drunken memory I remember only as Earl) liked some woman, and she told him that he wasn't cultured enough and needed to attend his first drag show (she also flaked on him)

Now I'm reasonably androgynous and was wearing makeup, a short leather skirt, and black heeled boots, but still when this guy came up to me when I was standing off alone and asked "So. Do you come here often?" with a very earnest expression, I thought. Surely not. This guy doesn't think I'm a straight woman does he????

Anyway I start talking with this guy and he has no idea what the fuck is going on but he is just a very kind and earnest dude and asked a lot of questions (while asking if it was alright if he asked those questions). I track down my husband and friends and I'm like y'all. We need to make sure that Earl has a Good Fucking Time tonight.

Man was completely out of his depth. At one point they put on a puppy auction to raise money for Pride, that started with a 6 ft drag queen in all her glory leading a leather pup out on a leash to the tune of that damned RSPCA "in the arms of the angels" song

We look at Earl. Nervous. He squints, laughs, and then goes "I was wondering why people were dressed like that!" He turned to me and asked "So they're like dogs?" And I said yeah pretty much. And he just chuckled and went "Yeah I thought so with the tails! Never seen this before!"

When the first drag king came out, Earl looked at me wide eyed and went "There's a dude version too?!" And I said yeah they're called drag kings. And he said, low, "Drag kings."

During one of the queens performances, he frowned, shook his head and told me, "Your legs are better than hers." in a tone that implied he thought there was some travesty taking place and I should also be getting paid

When he found out I was there with my husband (and that I am not a woman) he profusely apologized and said "I'm so sorry, it's dark in here and I thought you were a hot chick! I wouldn't have said nothing if I knew you had a husband, I'm so sorry about that."

When beemovie invited me to the dance floor with him later and I still had a drink in my hand, Earl said "Oh don't worry about that I can hold your drink, you get on out there and shake your ass with your husband!" Then before we left, Earl bought me drinks for "Putting up with me all night and answering everything. Y'all helped me have a great time tonight."

like. You gotta recognize there's going to people who have never had interacted outside of their of their own community. This includes you. And just because your community is familiar with all the right vocabulary and how to correctly say something, it doesn't mean they're actually going to support you. If someone like Earl shows up, confused and out of their depth but kind and curious and earnest, you gotta have patience and truck through the small things, so when he goes back to his friends and his coworkers and they snicker asking how the drag show was, he can genuinely talk about how included we tried to make him feel and that he had a great time

The person matters more than the language

I will fuckin never not reblog this.

Anonymous asked:

if racism is possible against white people, then why doesn't a word exist for prejudice against cis people? Prejudice against white people is possible, but racism is a system (prison industrial complex, redlining, etc). There is a word for transphobia but no word for the same type of prejudice against cis people because it's not an issue that really needs to be discussed. It's not a systemic problem. It's possible you could be biased against cis people, sure, but it doesn't carry the power of cis bias against trans people (transphobia)

Racism is NOT a system. That is a redefinition of the word to try and exclude white people from experiencing racism so woke morons don't have to examine their biases. Kinds like the "oppressor/oppressed class" bullshit.

And there... Is a term for bias against cis people. People just don't use it cuz they, again, are convincing themselves the bigotry's fine cuz they're our "oppressors." That term being Cisphobia. And before you try and act like that's a made up word: all words are made up, you ding dong.

Racism is discrimination or hatred based on race. That is all racism is. There are issues caused by racism that can be called systemic, but that is not the entirety of racism. The idea that it is, btw, and that it somehow excludes white people due to that, is INCREDIBLY america-centric. White people are only the majority in America and Europe, Hun. Literally everywhere else, they're a minority and absolutely face systemic forms of racism just like every other racial minority in those countries.

I also find it incredibly fucking stupid that your argument is that if the issue isn't systemic it doesn't need to be discussed. Since if that were actually true, quite a few problems faced by minorities would not need to be discussed, as quite a lot of issues we have are not systemic.


Saying this these days really is like yelling at a brick wall but here goes again:

You cannot gleefully take part in the dehumanisation of an entire group of people based on their nationality, their ethnicity, what have you, rejoice in the suffering of that group, and be on the side of human rights, ethics and morals.

You just cannot. But so many of you try to square that circle. You want so badly to be seen as righteous, that when people call you out for your violent, rancid rhetoric, you throw a paddy and hurl insults through inboxes (always on anon, though, because you’re spineless fucking cowards).


memes are fun and relatable and all that, but don't let them discourage you. all of that stuff that doesn't make it into the final product is part of how the final product gets made

This really connected with a group of people, and I'm glad to see that. But I also think that a lot of people stopped reading the middle stack when they saw the word "research"

I don't research for the kinds of stories I prefer to tell, but I still need that middle stack. That stack is where I'm deciding what happens next in a chapter. It's where I'm choosing which point of view will best get my point across. It's where I'm figuring out what tone of voice or expression a character has when they're saying a particular line. It's when I decide that one or more of those decisions wasn't the right one and I need to cut that part out and try it again.

Mostly, the middle stack for me looks like daydreaming because I write my stories in my head a million times before I ever type them out.

The point of the graphic wasn't to focus in on any particular activity you do. I was trying to capture all of the thinking you need to do, in a million different ways, in order to get from that cool idea to a finished product that does what you want it to do.

The middle stack is whatever process you use to get from idea to story. For some stories, that process is a hundred books high. For others it's only ten pages - but it's never nothing. The middle part is where the writing part occurs.


Need this site to understand that "The Prince of Egypt" is BOTH a Jewish and Christian movie. Let no one rob it from the Jews, but us christians literally owe our faith to the same God who saw to and led the Exodus. The Ten Commandments are still in effect, Jesus did not abolish the law but fulfilled it, and to get to Jesus we needed Moses.


Fandom Problem #7181:

"This movie was underwhelming, because it had queer people in it. Just don't put lgbt in animation, it's unnatural and forced!"

No, it was not good, because of the writing. If those people were straight, the movie would have turned out exactly the same.

"This series is amazing because it had lgbt in it! Every story would improove if we would just put lgbt+ people in it instead of those boring cishets!"

No, it was good, because it had something called good writing, lgbt+ people don't make everything better just by being here and why would being a "cishet" make the character not compelling? The character's appeal is mainly their personality.

Seriously, did people forget about execution? Having a gay character doesn't ruin a story, but it doesn't automatically improoves it either. It's a neutral thing that can be present in both a horrible and great story. (I'm saying this someone who's a lesbian)

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