ive never met a florida boy who doesn’t believe in aliens
good morning everyone i had a nightmare that there was an internal coup in the song dynasty and they started decapitating all the daoists
because u are god in the most personally identifiable sense, i can say with certainty that u deserve to be punished, and that i am so so proud of you
that thing where hearing the echoes of my words reverberating back to me while singing and playing an improvisational/self-expressive acoustic harmony compels me to believe there is a kind of unified sympathetic resonance which connects all bodies in all parts of the universe and therefore must not be diminished or corrupted in any way for it may be the only thing preserving our continued existence as a momentary & potentially insignificant blip between destitution and return
there is a mouse in my house andy and he left little kisses on my desk
in florida all of the different bugs exist in a kind of symbiotic interdependence, each playing a specific role contributing to and maintaining the greater bugsystem. it’s really quite beautiful to witness;it makes me feel like humans actually might have a chance at making it through the long night……
unsure how many of the new crop of “girlcock” truthers realize that this is in fact simply a more indelicate appropriation of the holocene gnostics’ spiritual “sun” and “moon” termonology
this populist surge in support for “brush fire qi” at the expense of the more established “transient campfire qi” or “cigarette ember qi” is troubling and dangerous
btw for ppl just a reminder that most commercial rice is fortified w synthetic b vitamins. it’s not what would be considered a “significant” amount but it’s enough, for example, to trigger niacin flushing in ppl who are sensitive & enough to accumulate in the system potentially over long periods of time in a way that would impact extremely b-vitamin sensitive ppl like parents of B-Vitamin Sensitive Children for example. but also if any of this seems interesting to u u should look it up instead of getting information from a highly impressionable person. to be honest in this moment i already can’t tell if i’ve made all of this up. but it is real. u should google it. but don’t email me if u find out im wrong either please.
this would be fun as a game or activity with ur earthen based children: watch Dirt! The Movie and conduct conversations and experiments around symbiotic microbiota/ gut flora and soil-borne microbiota symbiosis. Do research around healthy soils & friendly bacteria, compare notes on pre & post-industrial agricultural practices, and finalize by letting ur child ingest a small quantity of dirt, such as a teaspoon or tablespoon. use these observations & discoveries as a jumping off point to perform studies on the relationship between bacteria and non-bacteria in the construction of life, and allow ur child to build a hypothesis about bacteria as the possible singular origin of all life in the universe. by going deeper into this question, we will eventually be able to attempt a rough sketch of how perhaps life could exist without bacteria as its fundamental building blocks – however using this logic as a starting point, it is nigh impossible for humans to be capable of imagining what this may be like. so anyways we are left profoundly humbled and sitting in the dirt. in a different universe, we are forced to concede any claim to the throne. in a different universe, here and now, the ghost of ur body is released from its false binding shackles, and she dances freely among the stars.validators: a 2003 study that fed pigs dirt
disability is sort of like the moon. it comes in many shapes. and beware of werewolves
i have the pride of a small mammal….i can’t admit im wrong except to the ppl to whom ive already prostrated myself….everyone else is an enemy who must be avoided or dispatched using any means necessary
bad newz everyone. ive been informed that my recent post about the donkey from shrek being a boy who has boobies is blasphemous because it’s widely understood among theologians that the donkey from shrek does not have a gender. i apologize for the misunderstanding. in the future i will clarify that it is merely my artistic rendition of the ungendered donkey from shrek who may or may not be a boy and who also may or may not have boobies. thank you for pointing this out, and as always, thank you for your ongoing support
me n the girls goin out mid-autumn festival to devour the essences of unguarded boys
back in the day we called imposter syndrome “feeling like kind of a trickster” and it just meant u had to chug like ½ a cup of goat’s blood every third moon
*rolls out a 10,000 knot silk scroll*, This, which outlines the simplest thing and upon which all other simple things are built, took me most of the last decade. i know it looks complicated, to most it might even seem indistinguishabe from a void, but i swear it’s the simplest in here. go ahead and look. see, there, in the margins - “all dogs go to heaven.” *folding back up the scroll* at first i didn’t believe, but you know, once i started finding the evidence, it’s just too solid. herescrolling, ur right!
ive decided i dont like any of this i want to go back to when i was a little boy and used to love geomancy and mudboxes