
I'm Punkitt! Howdy!

@punkitt-is-here / punkitt-is-here.tumblr.com

I'm a gamedev/artist/musician/editor/wonder combo of a creator. I'm making Astral Guard, Happup, and a bunch of other fun video games! Tip Jar: https://ko-fi.com/punkitt

Read These Frequently Asked Questions Before You Send An Ask!

Heyo! I get a TON of asks each day, so I'm making this post so that folks know what's already been asked so my followers don't have to see the same stuff over and over, haha.

Hi! I'm Punkitt! I'm a game developer, artist, editor, director, and a bunch of other stuff! I'm working on an RPG called Astral Guard, a platformer called Susan Taxpayer, and I have a couple more fun projects in my pocket like Happup and Super Mario Death Row.


love when you go to the club and the DJ sets the water level up high and everyone starts swimmin

and you just know someone's gonna scream "DJ! play fish music!" and everyone's gonna act like their favorite fish 😁


at the mariners bar: sorry mates i cant go out today.. My boat's transmasc now. He's more comfortable with he/him. He just went through top surgery to get his sails removed and he's recovering. Bluebeard-and-Pronouns the woke pirate: arrg so he's gotten a mastectomy. well i'm glad that he's discovered himself.


The Polk County Sheriff's Office deliberately misled people into believing that Briana Boston had been released without charges. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it.


Fuck you, now you get to see it in video form, because fuck you.

this was animated by a man with anterograde amnesia who kept forgetting the last 10 frames he drew

Sorry to bring this back but I haven’t slept in weeks wondering how she could possibly be alive if eating one chicken nugget is this fucking difficult for her

certified iconic post

I am loving the notes section


in one of the servers I'm in, we've been discussing looking back at your old art, and a couple people mentioned that getting compliments on their old art makes them feel like their artistic growth isn't as evident to other people as it is to them, or like they havent improved as much as they thought for people to still be complimenting their old work

but it's really not like that! Your personal perception of your art is inherently going to be very different to the audience. This is how i explained it in there & i thought i'd share it here as well:

A compliment on your old art doesn't undermine the growth in your new art, it's just admiring the qualities of your work that were already there!

Our art can change direction, our grasp of the fundamentals can get stronger, and this means our personal standards will always go up and the choices we would make creating a piece change, so when you as the creator look back on your old art, you're hit with a lot of "oof, I'd do x and y and z differently now".

But your audience doesn't have any of those hangups, to them youve drawn some good art, and when they look at your current art, you're making even stronger art, and both of them are worth admiring.

not that any of this makes it any less psychic damage inducing to look at your own old art LOL but putting yourself in the shoes of the audience and looking at it for what it is rather than how well it reaches your current standards can still help a little with that

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