
@probablynotaskeleton / probablynotaskeleton.tumblr.com

| As old as WiFi | Clinicaly diagnosed as Alien | NB/Genderless/trans fem |

There is no way of accidentally doing a nazi salute twice in a row while the entire world is watching. This man needs to be killed

And I mean he does need to be killed. I remember a time when the obvious and most socially acceptable answer to what you would do if you could travel back in time was to kill Hitler before he rose to power. That is just what everyone said. Saying that nazis and fascism are bad was not seen as a controversial opinion it was simply a fact. This was not a long time ago and I am sure the vast majority of people reading this remember this as well. Elon Musk needs to be killed. Obviously.


some buds act like it is so hard to love but it is so easy. you just do nothing. in the absence of all things, we just love. it is what we are built to do. just strip off everything else, all the baggage, and love is underneath


well 🧍‍♀️ as a reminder this blog is NOT a safe space for trump supporters but it IS a safe place for women, queers, trans ppl, people of color, undocumented people, and any marginalized group.


Do not let them erase this. Do not let them tell you he meant "my heart goes out for you."

This man is the grandson of a Canadian Nazi sympathizer who moved to South Africa BECAUSE he thought the apartheid was just the coolest.

He has a gaggle of kids specifically because he believes his genes are superior and need to be spread to improve humanity.

He has thrown his support behind the neonazi party in Germany and the far right party in the UK, not to mention how far he's wormed up the ass of the Republican party.

He threw two sieg heil salutes back to back at the inauguration of the president of the United States and is trying to scrub the evidence off the internet.

Elon Reeve Musk is a fucking Nazi.

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