Whiterose is a ship that started as generic tropes but they grew together.
If you want a ship that's 'omg 2 girls that's hot' then look at the fact that people ship Schneewoodforest (Robyn/Winter) despite the fact that they don't talk to each other, and are barely on the screen for more then 2 seconds together, once, and that Robyn, and Qrow seem like a pretty sure thing based on the epilogue, and all of their many reactions.
Ruby helped bring Weiss out of her shell, and makes sure she takes the time to smell the roses, and Weiss pushes Ruby to be the leader she knows she can be.
Ruby and Weiss are stubborn, and strong willed, and they need a partner who can stand up to them. There isn't anyone else in the show that can do that for them.
Ruby runs roughshod over any other people they want to ship her with, but when Weiss puts her foot down then Ruby knows she needs to listen, but likewise Weiss will always back Ruby's plays because she knows Ruby will do what's best for them.
They have changed each other and still do for the best.
Weiss might touch others, and have become better about initiating touch now, but notice that outside of group hugs, Weiss DOESN'T like to be touched. When Penny grabs her inside the vault she kinda tenses up, and just keeps talking doing her best to ignore it, but when Weiss has Ruby come up and touch her to gently lead her away she allows, and relaxes into it.
Ruby can just on and to other moving missiles but HAS to hold onto Weiss to stay seated on her Lancer, and Weiss allows it?
No, but please tell me how her one comment about him being mature that Kara had to walk back right after the episode aired (weiss isn't attracted to Jaune but maturity itself), and the fact that Ruby had tree therapy so is likely to be more mature herself now means something. Somehow that's greater than the entirety of the partnership slow burn that is WR.
I understand it's not the super dramatic omg i love you of Bees, but neither Weiss nor Ruby are Blake and Yang, and the would have a different relationship, and expecting the same bombastic over the top love story for them is silly.