
Plok's Meme Hoard

@ploktalks / ploktalks.tumblr.com

Just a place where I spam/reblog memes and other things. My main is Plokster where I post art!

my friends and I have created a game we call Quipposting, where you play quiplash but you roll a wheel full of character archetypes, and whatever it lands on, you all answer as if you are like, a wizard or cowboy. This legitimately makes quiplash go from a fun enough game to an S+ tier absolute unabashed banger

the best characters are Mafia Goon, Cyberpunk Hacker, Castle Guard, Sewer Rat, 16th Century Peasant, and Alien Poorly Pretending to be Human

OP we desperately need examples

these are all from mafia goonposting but I think it’s my absolute favorite one of all time so I have a lot of pictures from it. Turn on some jazz and wait until people start talking in the accent and you’ll make Magic


[as if charging up a kamehameha blast]






This isn't technically good news, but I wanted to highlight it, because it underscores a DEEPLY important thing to understand about the news and social media in their current forms: They are warping people's perception of reality. Bad news gets shared more, gets reported more, and gets highlighted more. People think that means there IS more bad news than good news, and that is simply not true. There are lots of good resources for finding good news, and you should seek it out for yourself to get a more accurate understanding of the world we all live in.

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