


actual lesbian, 25, radfem/terf. I want likeminded friends lol

Can I donate my menstrual cycle to a misogynistic white middle aged male

You could… or donate to your local trans woman who wants that kind of thing


Same thing.


If you jack it to underaged cartoon girls being raped, whyyyyyyyyuh would I ask for your opinion on literally anything?


I want every sociologist or psychologist to explain to me one thing:

If you truly believe that boys are hardwired to do poorly in school, or that they are several years behind their female classmates because of biological reasons…

Why were they able to outperform female classmates before now?

Boys and men have gone to college, become doctors and judges and politicians and mathematicians for hundreds of years. Thousands, technically.

Why the fuck is it that just now boys are suddenly completely incapable of concentrating in class.

What rapid biological change happened between say 1980 to now that led to a mass deterioration in boys’ ability to succeed in school.

Boys were completely capable of sitting in a classroom when girls weren’t allowed to attend school. Boys had no problem getting degrees when girls were barred from higher education.

What changed.

Is it really the presence of girls and women in their classrooms that’s cause this biological change? This brain problem that makes it so boys can’t concentrate in school?

Or is the lack of societal respect for female teachers, their female classmates, and a social change that has caused boys to believe that doing well in school = being feminine.

I am so sick and tired of reading another article or book that says the reason boys can’t concentrate in school is because it’s just not boy centered enough.

We used to expect boys to learn Latin.

Raise your standards, get them off the screens, and teach them to respect women and teachers.

Like I agree children are squirrelly, and we don’t give them enough play time, and that things like the bands around chair legs to give children something to push against while sitting in desks in elementary school is a great idea (as a 30 year old I have a compulsion to shake my legs too because of anxiety, it’s a tick I still can’t break).

But I actually don’t think boys are incapable of learning at a young age. I think we’ve let boys get away with poor behavior because it’s been expected for a long time, and now those poor expectations are being seen in behavior and we’re treating these issues like they’re biological when they very well may not be.

Do the boys in heavily patriarchal countries like Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia also fall behind their female classmates in middle school, or….

Pretty sure men designed the school structure that they now suddenly cannot function within.


hey yall, incase you needed another reason to hate men and want to kill all of them, one of my best friends mom is dying of cancer — and her husband, my friends stepdad, is trying to cheat on her with her DAUGHTER, MY FRIEND. These are screenshots she sent me of him texting her.

Men see you as an appliance.

Men do not love their toasters and he will replace you with exactly the same level of love and care as he would buy a new toaster when the old one broke.

You are not a person he will miss. You are not a partner he loves. You are a sex and cleaning and emotional support appliance he would drop in a heartbeat for a “better” model.

Men will view your death like dropping their phone: temporarily inconvenient but an opportunity to upgrade.


I am watching a body cam footage video wherein a man went to a hotel, took his junk out, got on his knees and began m*sturbating in front of the female clerk. Mind you, this was after he'd been in and out of jail several times recently AND had an ankle monitor on. This guy cannot and will not stop terrorizing other people.

The cops show up, and tell him who filed the complaint, the woman at the hotel, and he blows up in anger. They said to each other, "Since he has a history of violent outbursts, we're just going to let him walk for now and pick him up later when he cools down." And they let him walk away.

They told him who filed the report. What if this guy who was "too angry and scary for the police to arrest" went and KILLED that woman forthwith? This group of armed police officers were more concerned with their own safety than the lone woman he exposed himself to!

This is terrifying. I was glad to see that people in the comment section were calling this out, but how often does this sort of thing happen?


creepy women vs creepy men

one of the biggest comments response to that onlyfanser Bonnie Blue's antics being 'if a MAN stood outside colleges asking FRESHLY 18 year old girls to have SEX, he would be seen as a CREEP!!' is pissing me offff

this may be controversial but its not the same when a man is a creep and when a woman is a creep, it just isn't, there are deeper, fundamental power imbalances at play and we always ignore that. firstly, if a man wanted to leave this sex game he probably could at any time, he will have better chances of defending himself if things go wrong. a woman will have a harder time and may feel compelled to continue when things go wrong, because the threat of violence is present.

and secondly, and most importantly, a lot of female creeps tend to degrade themselves for attention even when being creepy and predatory. one of the vids of bonnie blue is her on her knees begging some guy to 'bonk' her. she has the upper hand concerning age in this situation, but concerning strength and sexual dynamics? because of the model for sexual relations, there are those who fuck and there are those who get fucked, and ofc women naturally fall into second category. being 'fucked' is seen as inherently humiliating.

i do not know the exact content of this onlyfanser but i can guess based on the most popular stuff males like. even when being a creep and targeting young males she is very much allowing herself to be degraded. and those young supposedly vulnerable males are def abusing her. i don't think she can be said to have the upper hand in this situation. why are more people not noticing this


this is what we mean when we say that now it’s literally impossible to talk about female oppression

Whether they know it or not, this is an attempt to destroy class consciousness in women.


We've gone round and round in our discussions about why men rape and oppress women worldwide and throughout history, and whether it's based in biology, socialization, or a mix of the two.

This post isn't about debating once again who is right on this issue, but to say that if your only argument against it being biologically based is that "It can't be because then that absolves men of responsibility for their actions," that is not a valid argument.

We dont ignore facts or patterns just because we don't like the implications; for example, all evidence points to the fact that cats can't talk. Cats across the world all demonstrate the same inability to speak actual words, and I don't look at this and say, "Well, we can't really say they can't talk because then that means I can't have a long conversation with my cat at some point, and I really prefer to believe I can."

We don't come to truths based on what we want to believe. If you think it's not biological, it's more compelling to put forth some evidence as to why this is so, rather than talking about why it has unacceptable implications.


"girls face abuse by society at large and don't become violent misogynists like boys do"

Sis, terfs are right fucking there.

Violent male misogynists: Mass shootings, rape, torture, murder, domestic abuse, sex trafficking, FGM, forced marriages, kidnappings-

TERFs: Carrying signs that say ‘protect women’s spaces’ at protests and types men are not women online

Yep, that…uh…holds up.

And these people who think it's just as bad never say "we need to care more about women's mental health" or "we need to do something about the violence perpetrated against women and girls" yet they can't shut the fuck up about the poor hard-done-by men and boys.


stfu stfu literally nobody has an ugly smile or an ugly laugh its just not a thing. your smiles and laughter are the literal manifestations of your joy theyre gorgeous no matter what they look like or how they sound


y’all remember that guy who tried to kidnap a barista through the drive thru window? he got sentenced to only 50 days in jail.

his name is Matthew Darnell, he lives in Auburn Washington, and I don’t want to hear the courts saying “we had no idea he would take it this far” if he ends up being a serial rapist and killer. no man just goes around kidnapping women for any reason other than that.


i do not want this to come across as transphobic or like i am a terf but the way a lot of TRAS speak about women, radfems and terfs is fucking disgusting.

they call us cunts and bitches, say we’re not women, tell us they hope we get raped ect and then they wonder why terfs and transphobes exist.

there are trans women who literally want to rape lesbians as a form of conversion therapy and make them like penis. it’s DISGUSTING

Hi! First off I'd like to state that rape threats are never ok, and this isn't me excusing that behavior at all.

Secondly, yes! When people deny someone's gender, a valid response is to deny the offenders gender. If you, someone who doesn't have to fight to get their gender recognized, is offended or hurt by someone mal/degendering you, imagine how someone that has to fight daily to be seen as their gender feels when you (not you specifically) malgender them. I can assure you that it hurts tenfold.

And on your last point, you ignore that kink exists. Dykebreaking, as it is often called, is a kink that many a lesbian engages with. Whether they're cis or trans, and many lesbians do the dykebreaking themselves. I reccomend visiting your local kink club or joining kink spaces to learn more about why someone would enjoy this. A big reason is someone has gone through a trauma such as corrective rape/conversion therapy and wants to revive that in a way where they have control, where they have the power to stop it or decide to continue. And for the opposite side of it, someone can want to get through holding the power over someone else. And of course, there's the basic cnc roleplay, which is a healthy way to get out energy and have some more extreme power play. A really BIG part of kink is trust, which is really what it's built all around. Being trusted by your partner to take care of them even through pain is a very big thing, same with trusting your partner to do that for you. If you want to learn more, which I highly reccomend, join kinky spaces, be genuinely curious, and meet everything with interest.

Sorry for the long rant, but I figured I would respond.

I’m beating a dead horse here but I’d just like to ask how idiotic are you to believe that lesbian women would willingly engage with men in any sexual context and particularly one that is sexually violent and denying our lived reality. Anyone that you see claiming to be lesbian while engaging with dyke breaking is either a male attracted woman or a male falsely labelling themselves. It’s a community made up entirely of non-homosexual women fetishising our suffering. This is possibly the most dim-witted thing I’ve read.


Loneliness, when experienced by women, is treated like a joke. The stereotypical image of the crazy cat lady has been mocked for centuries, warning other women not to be too selective or too demanding, or else you'll end up like her.

When there was a female mental health crisis in the 2010's no one gave a flying fvck. Men were litteraly making memes about it and laughing at women with ED's. Men were never blamed for a thing.

But when men are lonely (when women refuse to engage with certain men) suddenly it's our fault and women are so shallow, society has failed men! It's an epidemic and a crisis requiring analysis by psychologists and hundreds of articles telling why these poor men are so lonely! Women should lower our standards.

Don't feel bad, it isn't your fault for not wanting to date men. We all know how bad the dating pool has gotten.

It's so funny yet tragic.

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