
dyke of the endless ☥

@milfzatannaz / milfzatannaz.tumblr.com

Millie 💫| she/her | goth lesbian |
annoying Vertigo fan and JohnZee PhD recipient
Iwtv sideblog: dykeofthedamned

Some visual comparisons of Sting, best known for being the front man of the band The Police, and John Constantine. Alan Moore, one of the original creators of Constantine is quoted in a November 1993 Wizard magazine article saying,

“…One of those early notes was [Steve Bissette and John Totleben] wanted to do a character that looked like Sting. I think DC is terrified that Sting will sue them, although Sting has seen the character and commented in Rolling Stone that he thought it was great. He was very flattered to have a comic character who looked like him, but DC gets nervous about these things.”

Comic images are taken from various Hellblazer covers and issues.

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