

@mildlybizarrecorvid / mildlybizarrecorvid.tumblr.com

You can trick-or-treat sometimes there's polls started july 29 2024 (i think)

Just so everyone knows, in this blog (phrasing is meant to be like in this house we or whatever, just giving an introduction) we

eagerly await true AI (that's when it's people, ChatGPT is worthless garbage)

appreciate clever critters (corvids [obviously, look at the blog title {i can do as many parentheticals as i want, and you can't stop me}], octopi, orangutans)

are weird and nerdy about various media

have a mix of fear and disdain for chimpanzees

and make polls sometimes

Also, if you feel comfortable doing so, feel free to leave comments, or notes, or whatever they are! I'll always read them, and there's a decent chance I'll respond

Feel free to send asks, if they're reasonable they've got a decent chance of answers. I do avoid the chain letters that say to copy and paste it to 5 mutuals and such.

Reblog policy: Do whatever, I'm like 90% percent sure i'm not a cop

Mostly they, testing it


Should I get a flavordy water or sleep or do nothing

It's not late or anything I just seem to have gotten tired at earlier times each day for the last little bit


I love Android Wheatley designs that give him glasses bcs making a robot who needs glasses is fucking hilarious and also exactly the sort of nonsense the scientists at Aperture would pull

the glasses make him see worse but they told him if he takes them off he’ll go blind

headcanon accepted

Im not letting you leave this pure gold in the tags

If you create your test subject, they are inherently Science and everything they do is Science.

You’re getting far more Science per dollar


if you’re creating the test subject, then… what are you testing?? what happened to control groups??

That's a good point, though I still feel Aperture would look favorably upon this even if they had to use control groups.

What now is a control group was previously the only sort of subject they had, it's adding a whole factor to every test


I love Android Wheatley designs that give him glasses bcs making a robot who needs glasses is fucking hilarious and also exactly the sort of nonsense the scientists at Aperture would pull

the glasses make him see worse but they told him if he takes them off he’ll go blind

headcanon accepted

Im not letting you leave this pure gold in the tags

If you create your test subject, they are inherently Science and everything they do is Science.

You're getting far more Science per dollar


it would be really funny if, when you raised a dinosaur in stardew valley, there was an outside chance it'd trigger a jurassic park situation

If there were something like that I might play the game

Not up my alley in its current state, but



You know what I want from mistborn era 3?? Memes. Shitty dank memes and reaction images like we had in the 2000s. Era 3 takes place in the "80s", which I assume to mean the dawn of Scadrian digital and internet culture. One of my favourite bits of era 2 were the broadsheets. They were a nice snapshot of the world's regular society, and what better way to convey that in era 3's timeframe than with memes and shitposts cremposts ashposts?

I want screenshots of blogs and forums and chatrooms.

We already meme our own historical and religious figures to hell and back, so imagine what it would be like on a planet like Scadrial.

Imagine turning a page and seeing this

Or this

wait does this mean that mistborn is the first planet to achieve internet

I think it might be Sel (Elantris planet)

Elantris is set a while before most of what's out (though there hasn't been a definitive statement on by how much), so they've got some amount of society already set up and presumably advancing. And it's been stated that Aons are like a magical programming language, so they've got a good set-up to get culturally used to such matters

My other guess might be Nalthis? I think there's supposed to be awakening involved with the computers once things get sci-fi


just learned about farming simulator

I mean, I already knew about it, but I just learned about it

Did you know that the target audience for Farming Simulator is actual real-world farmers? Because I didn’t. I just assumed that farmers probably don’t want to go home from a day of farming to do some (presumably highly inaccurate) virtual farming?

Like, imagine if the target audience for Power Washing Simulator was actual professional power washers.

Farming Sim gets sponsored by companies and shit to put ads in their games. But since the game is for farmers, all of the ads target farmers. Advertising products that, realistically, only farmers would be interested in. Aka John Deere tractors and shit.

There’s a fucking farming sim esports league. Where do they play? Agriculture conventions. not gaming conventions. agriculture conventions.

post cancelled this is way funnier

My buddy who is a farmer has the type of planter that drives itself across the field using GPS at a steady speed, and he just needs to turn it around at the end of each row. He added a little folding desk to his chair and plays farming simulator on it while he plants.

okay playing farming simulator while farming is crazy


Recursive gaming! Play a game while doing the thing the fans is about.

Play an H-game while having sex.

Play a baseball game while you wait around in the outfield.

Play Wolfenstein 3D while shooting nazis.

It's a great idea.

Tell me when the apocalypse starts so I can play Fallout


that thing about how removing the middle 2 panels of a cad comic makes it funnier is true 


holy shit


I can’t even imagine what meaningless filler went into panels 2-3.

oh my god these are actually funny

this is 100% true and once you remove the horrible filler bullshit its comedy gold


I'm usually boring, when I do something cool it's because I was mentally slapped in the face by a glorious vision and/or an oc

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