
*Incoherent screeching(BY CHOICE)*

@mayhem-moth / mayhem-moth.tumblr.com

This is my main blog, I like art and cats. I post random stuff, i guess. Feel free to check out if you feel like it. couch A D V O C A T E. I will smite you if you say otherwise😡. My pronouns are whatevers convienient. I do not care. 🚨ALSO IMPORTANT NOTICE🚨: IF YOU ARE SOMEONE WHO HAS AN EMPTY BLOG PLEASE SEND AN ASK LETTING ME KNOW YOU ARE NOT A BOT. I DON'T WANT TO WRONGLY BLOCK SOMEONE (I will not respond to the ask unless requested. I will just make sure not to block you). I do not want anyone to feel punished just for being a bit shy or just not wanting to post anything.

Intro page:

Most importantly:

Please look at these posts if you can. I do not mind if you don't look at the rest of this introduction, but at least look at these posts.

Things i'll block people for:

*Anyone who is pro-israel or is pro any genocide.

*Policing people on harmless identities and ways of being. Just let people chill in peace please.

*Discriminatory behavior. DON'T BE RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, TRANSPHOBIC, ANTI-SEMETIC, ISLAMAPHOBIC, APHOBIC, ABLEIST, etc If you don't want me to block you.

*Basically, if someone is just being an ass honestly :/. I prefer communication, but if someone is deliberately hurting others, i will not waste my time.



I stumbled upon a website that allows you to blend any colors evenly no matter how opposite on the spectrum they are.

sharing the knowledge




"when I was younger" bro everything you've ever done happened when you were younger dipshit

I have no memory of writing this. Sorry this one came across as so needlessly aggressive. Keep in mind I was younger when I made this post.

me: [in a room full of executives] Nobody is buying our game about disney cartoon woman experiences poverty.
executive greg: I don't understand. We covered her in dirt. How is this not selling.
executive carla: maybe it should be winter and she is very cold.
executive paul: we could give her a child who is also very cold
executive greg: and poor
executive paul: and poor
me: it's not interactive enough. we need more.
executive greg: we should ask the player if they want to let her freeze and starve to death
me: and what happens if they click Ignore Her
executive greg: wolves rush in and eat her
me: what happens if they click Help Her
executive greg: she instantly transforms into an oil baroness with stacks of gold
executive carla: ooh and then we show the player a couch and a fireplace
me: what happens if they click fireplace
executive greg: she wins the lottery
me: and what happens if they click the couch
executives greg and carla, in unison: wolves rush in and eat her

help. what is this

give her coins or rock so she can fix her slime kitchen or it's wolf time babey bark bark


having a freeze response to stress is so funny in the context of normal adult stressors. millions of years of evolution are trying to tell me that the email will not find me if i stay very still and do nothing

oh one source of bad information by robert bly we're really in it now

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