Capital (Abridged) in summary
I meet a lot of people who tell me they tried to read Capital and bounced off of it. Of course, Marx’s opus is both very long and somewhat dense (especially if you don’t have much experience reading such theory), and so I always recommend people dead set on the tome try Capital (Abridged).* To help people with this book, I have also been writing summaries of each chapter.
- Chapter I: Commodities, Prices, Profits
- Chapter II: Profit and Value in Circulation
- Chapter III: Value in Use and Exchange Value, the Socially Necessary Labor
- Chapter IV: Purchase and Sale of Labor Power
- Chapter V: How Surplus Value Arises
(Future chapters forthcoming—if I can just get back around to it)
*Ed. Julian Borchardt, 1919. Trans. Stephen L. Trask, 1932.