


20s, she/her, white USAmerican, woman of transition, materialist girl in a dialectic world

Capital (Abridged) in summary

I meet a lot of people who tell me they tried to read Capital and bounced off of it. Of course, Marx’s opus is both very long and somewhat dense (especially if you don’t have much experience reading such theory), and so I always recommend people dead set on the tome try Capital (Abridged).* To help people with this book, I have also been writing summaries of each chapter.

(Future chapters forthcoming—if I can just get back around to it)

*Ed. Julian Borchardt, 1919. Trans. Stephen L. Trask, 1932.

Anonymous asked:

Im a black South African so I dont really have skin in the game in regards to the whole KKK thing but maybe if black Americans don’t want to be compared to the KKK they shouldnt join a racist boys club that murders terrorises and tortures people in the Third World. And maybe not tell a North Korean women they hope she gets lynched

Exactly. Like this is prime KKK behavior. I literally cannot blame anyone who calls them all kinds of comparisons to white supremacists. The usamerican chauvinism fucking took over.


we need the down with cis bus more than ever. I want transgender thugs on every street corner beating up cis people


As a trans woman I think it's really important that we make the switch from gendered washrooms to unisex single occupancy ones so that adults who still live with their parents because housing is unaffordable can meet up and suck and fuck eachother at coffee shops.

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