
Hambone’s Whorehouse


I shoulda got this shit ages ago
Mostly art, hobbies, ranting

one thing i keep coming back to is the fight scene in the council room from s208 because it just tells us SO much about viktor. when he enters the room in his avatar he catwalks in. he moves with so much elegance and so much confidence. the way he pins jayce by the wrist and then slowly wraps his fingers around jayce’s hammer. the way he wraps his legs around jayce and cups his face and brushes his fingers over his lips. the way when he’s towering over jayce in the astral plane he calls him *his* partner for the first time.

we’re seeing who viktor is when he inhabits a body that he thinks is perfect

in the avatar of the glorious evolution, where viktor finally sees himself as powerful, as pure, as just like everybody else… he’s confident with jayce, even dominant, in a way he would never allow himself to be while he was alive in his original body.

and of course the kicker is that without his imperfections, without his entire self, he’s not viktor to jayce anymore. ‘my partner died in this room’

and it takes until the finale, until viktor can see himself through jayce’s eyes, for it to click that he could have been this way with jayce all along. that he has always been equal to jayce. that his confidence, his grace, his power - jayce saw it all along.

and i just found the end of the council room scene so devastating. the way that once viktor’s perfect evolved body is broken we immediately see him huddled and collapsed on the floor, making himself as small as possible

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