
Hambone’s Whorehouse


I shoulda got this shit ages ago
Mostly art, hobbies, ranting

Posting my video on here from TikTok. It’s been a hot minute since I was active on this account but dang, this is where it all started 10+ years ago. I MISS Y’ALL 😭


Man posts transition journey followed by thirst traps.


That 8 year jump is HILARIOUS lmao good job sir


And in case Twitter is being a fool, here's the PDF itself: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PiO5JAc2_erXL9rEPU-Gj4DXQ3N0dTbe/view

Shout-out to a friend for showing me this!!

Checking the upper outer part of the chest towards the armpit is especially important, since about 2/3 of breast cancers develop in this area and there's also a lot of lymph nodes in this area to check out.

Look for changes in the skin, like nipple inversion, redness/duskyness, tenderness, or a dimpled appearance like orange peel.

I hope this point is obvious but don't do a self exam until everything is FULLY HEALED after surgery. When they say firm pressure they mean enough that its uncomfortable on healed tissue. If you press that hard on an area that's healing you're going to regret it.

If you have had top surgery, you can also talk to your doctor about screening MRIs, since mammograms aren't exactly feasible, but insurance coverage for that might depend on your family history, age, and other factors.

If you're under 30, unless you have a high rate of breast cancer in your immediate family, self-exams won't do any harm but they also aren't really needed. Most people should start in their mid 30s.


“what if kids identify with something and it ends up just being a phase-?” good. stop teaching and expecting kids (and adults honestly) to formulate permanent traits and ideas of themselves. everything in life is a phase. that doesn’t make it any less legitimate while you experience it. let people explore themselves and know it’s okay if what you think about yourself changes.


i am SO sick of the fearmongering around T and how it will affect your singing voice. i have been singing since i was a kid. i mean i have been singing as long as i could talk, i was once in an all girls choir, i was the youngest person in my churches choir when i was, like, 8. i never had much confidence in my voice because i sounded like a girl, which led me to singing less, which led me to sounding worse. before i started T i was SO worried that it would ruin my beautiful feminine singing voice.

but the difference is like night and day. i sound SO much better than i did pre-T. i can sing without hating myself. i sound like a man and i can sing

and yea maybe i’m no longer and 8 year old soprano. but i can sing and listen to myself and not want to die and isn’t that fucking wonderful?

my friend Poe just had an article published about something similar re: fearmongering about trans voices, in which he argues:

[link to an version for those without institutional access on his twitter here]


reblog if you support:

• pre- or non-hrt trans people

• genderfluid/non-binary people who want hrt

• genderfluid/non-binary people who don't want hrt

• pre- or non-op trans people

• tall transfems

• short transmascs

• fat/plus size trans people

• fem trans men

• masc trans women

• transmascs who don't/can't/won't bind

• transfems who don't/can't/won't tuck

• transfems with wide shoulders

• transmascs with wide hips

• genderfluid/non-binary people with facial hair or tits

• genderfluid people whose presentation is static but their gender is not

• non-binary people whose desired presentation is how society says their agab should present

• transmascs who bind but still have a visible chest

• non- conventionally-attractive trans people

• non-conforming trans people

• non-"passing" trans people

• non-stereotypical trans people

We don't all fit into cisnormative society's bullshit stereotypes!

I'm trying to prove a point to some transphobic relatives. Back me up tumblr.


Just so like... it's clear... anyone who censors words that contain "man" or "men" to anything like "xxn" that's TERF shit.

Any reference to women/womanhood that solely revolves around having a uterus or "womb" is TERF shit.

Any sentence where the OP says they support people being "trans identified" with quotes around ""transwomen"" or ""transmen"" is TERF shit.

I'm seeing a lot of you baby Tumblr gays out there not knowing what these specific TERF dogwhistles look like.

"Wombxxn" is an incredibly dumb way of spelling "woman" that treats the word "man" like a slur and also reduces women to their ability to give birth.

"Trans identified" is their way of saying "this person calls themselves trans, but I don't believe they are."

Saying "People should be allowed to identify however they wish, but we still need to protect women/children" IS TERF SHIT.

Learn to identify this garbage, because not all TERFs are going to spell out their intolerance for you. Some of them are going to try and seem reasonable and polite and normal, and it's fucking dangerous to our community.

Also unpack any internalized transphobia and your transmedicalism, because both those things will have you quickly siding with TERFs and bigots.


Found this in the comments of Shaun's latest video on Andrew Tate, in which he talks pretty extensively about how important it is for men to find ways to be confident in their genders without trying to adhere to, or enforce, anyone else's ideas of manhood on anyone.

Highly recommend checking it out.

Anyway. I rarely see folks talk about the positive impact transmascs have on manhood as a whole, and I think it's important to acknowledge and celebrate that.


honestly, speaking from a cis woman's perspective (with its limitations in mind), i've started to believe that hand in hand with feminism, the public and proud existence of happy, healthy transmascs is the solution to the "toxic masculinity" problem.

it's just as this guy says: many transmascs set their own standards for what makes them men, and all the cis men bitching & moaning about not having examples of positive masculinity should look towards them for inspiration.

positive masculinity is not inherently more androgynous or outwardly soft -- it's not new wave metrosexuality. it's just masculinity without the power disparity.

great post op and thank you to all the brave transmascs broadening horizons for others


i pointed this out to my dad once: i never accepted that i was inferior to men when i was a woman, so now that i was a man i had no need to define myself as superior to women. i was a man because i wanted to be one, and as far as i could tell that was all you actually needed.

my dad liked that.

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