
Hambone’s Whorehouse


I shoulda got this shit ages ago
Mostly art, hobbies, ranting

Roommate went out of town once, asked me to look after her cat.

Night one she comes down meowing at me. I go check her food/water, they're full. Litter box empty. Make sure my roommate's door is still open and she's not locked out of her room or something. I try to pet her and she dodges me, offer her treats and she won't have it, try playing with her but she won't play, try just ignoring her and she won't stop following me around meowing at me.

So I call my roommate, concerned maybe she was sick or in pain and that's why she was being so insistent despite having all her needs met.

Roommate goes: "OH! She wants you to go to bed. Go upstairs to my room and just sit in my bed with her for a few minutes. She should curl up and get comfortable. Once shes laid down she usually lets me go back to what I'm doing she just can't seem to go to bed on her own"

Sure enough, I go sit on roommates bed and she just happily jumps up, curls up on the blanket, and purrs herself to sleep.


I like when cats try to give their humans healthy habits.

Don Pierrot of Navarre always sat up at night until I came home, waiting for me on the inside of the door, and as soon as I stepped into the antechamber he would come rubbing himself against my legs, arching his back and purring in gladsome, friendly fashion. Then he would start to walk in front of me, preceding me like a page, and I am sure that if I had asked him to do so, he would have carried my candle. In this way he would escort me to my bedroom, wait until I had undressed, jump up on the bed, put his paws round my neck, rub his nose against mine, lick me with his tiny red tongue, rough as a file, and utter little inarticulate cries by way of expressing unmistakably the pleasure he felt at seeing me again. When he had sufficiently caressed me and it was time to sleep he used to perch upon the backboard of his bed and slept there like a bird roosting on a branch. As soon as I woke in the morning, he would come and stretch out beside me until I rose. Midnight was the latest time allowed for my return home. On this point Pierrot was as inflexible as a janitor... Twice or thrice Pierrot sat up for me until two o’clock in the morning, but presently he took offence at my conduct and went to bed without waiting for me. I was touched by this mute protest against my innocently disorderly way of life, and thereafter I regularly returned home at midnight. Pierrot, however, proved hard to win back; he wanted to make sure that my repentance was no mere passing matter, but once he was convinced that I had really reformed, he deigned to restore me to his good graces and again took up his nightly post in the antechamber.

Cats : trying to make us go to bed at a Reasonable Time since forever (so they can wake us up at 3 am for treats)

[Image description: a tweet by @mixbecca "rebecca mix" which says "i love when pets just make up Rules and their humans are like "oh, fine." my cat has a bedtime & he won't go to sleep until we do. every night at 10:30 he starts trying to herd us up the stairs. & now we, two grown a[censored] humans, adhere to the bedtime of a 12 pound cat."]

Don Pierrot of Navarre is an absolutely spectacular name for a cat.


Discussing baby’s future


They are both doing the "I want" chitter. They very much want to get up, but they have a sleeping baby cuddling with them. They must endure, but they will not be silent about it


Well well well, kitties. Looks like you want to get up but there's a little cat on you so you can't. Very frustrating situation there, can't imagine the burden of being held down by a little adorable kittycat. Couldn't, as the kids say, be me.


Cats Stealing Food in Paintings

Still Life with Cat (1705) by Desportes, It's no use crying over spilt milk (1880) by Frank Paton, Still Life of the Remnants of a Meal with a Lunging Cat (18th Century) by Alexandre-François Desportes, Fish Still Life with Two Cats (1781) by Martin Ferdinand Quadal, Still Life with a Cat and a Mackerel on a Table Top (18th Century) by Giovanni Rivalta, The Collared Thief (1860) by William James Webbe, Cat Stealing a String of Sausages (17th Century) by Abraham van Beyeren, Still Life with a Cat (1760) by Sebastiano Lazzari, Kitchen Still Life with Fish and Cat (ca. 1650) by Sebastian Stoskopff, An Oyster Supper (1882) by Horatio Henry Couldery, Still Life with an Ebony Chest (17th Century) by Frans Snyders, Still Life with a Cat (1724) by Alexandre-Francois Desportes, A Cat Attacking Dead Game (18th Century) by Alexandre-François Desportes, Still Life of Fresh-Water Fish with a Cat (1656) by Pieter Claesz, Still Life with Fruits and Ham with a Cat and a Parrot (18th Century) by Alexandre-Francois Desportes, A Cat Holding a Fish in Its Mouth (18th Century) by Sebastiano Lazzari, Still Life with a Cat and a Hare (18th Century) by Desportes, Still Life with Cat and Rayfish (1728) by Jean-Siméon Chardin, A Cat with Dead Game (1711) by Alexandre-Francois Desportes, Still Life with Cat and Fish (1728) by Jean Baptiste Siméon Chardin

Little girl teaching her cats how to draw a flower 

they’re? just? sitting there ???


it makes it 100% better that i can’t understand her, i feel like i’m hearing what cats hear


Heh, she’s speaking Portuguese! Here’s what she’s saying:

*baby voice* “… and if you have any questions, just ask me! And now… yeah. And now you draw the roots. You draw them all twisted up! Got it? A flower? Now draw it. Did you get it, Luis Roberto? Did you get it, Jurandir? Look. Did you get it? That’s how you draw a flower.”

Luis Roberto and Jurandir are people names (Jurandir is especially a name associated with older men) so it’s extra funny that the cats are named that, heh.


Nothing you can say can convince me that Data did not later take Spot to the holodeck and programmed the computer to create a field with long grass and plenty of mice.  He watched his kitty have the time of her life hunting holographic mice.  He was perplexed by the evolutionary significance of the pre-pounce butt wiggle and wrote terrible poetry about it.  Upon his next poetry reading, Troi cried trying not to laugh and Data was pleased his poetry had finally elicited an emotional reaction.


Japan loves cats. Anime characters look like cats. So why can anime never accurately draw cats

And on a related cat media tangent: CG models *never* get cats right! Contrast and compare:

It's subtle, especially at this resolution, but look at this CG model of a cat from the game Stray. Its body is a stiff, solid tube, more like a dog. The back leg moves neatly over the skin of the body.

Contrast it with the real cat on the bottom. It's not solid, and its body isn't a tube! The back leg doesn't move *over* the skin of its body when it walks forward, it bunches the skin and pushes it up it!

Cats are *flat* on the sides, and their skin is *saggy.* When a cat runs, their body kind of flaps back and forth like a bunch of hanging flab, even on skinny cats.

I understand why they don't get it right, of course. Rigging is a pain, and weight painting is an even bigger pain.

Check out how well they rigged the wing membranes on this Rodan in Godzilla: Singular Point, though! It's definitely doable. I'm surprised someone would get this right, and not ever a cat.

...I guess people also don't find it cute that cats are saggy.

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