
This Simple Feeling

@lesbocrocker / lesbocrocker.tumblr.com

will/he she/bigender tme lesbian/white irish

The way some people and institutions in the West treat those who are different from them is deeply disappointing. It’s heartbreaking to see individuals proudly boasting about reporting fundraisers meant to support Palestinian families in need. Even worse, banks freezing life-saving funds or authorities harassing those trying to help their loved ones in Gaza. These actions only add to the immense suffering of innocent people. Instead of showing compassion and humanity, some choose to obstruct efforts to provide relief. Such behavior deserves serious reflection and change.

I have created a new fundraiser after the one I worked so hard on for months was shut down. Please support me by donating and sharing the new campaign.


I recently spoke with my dear friend Suad @suad-khaled and she gave me an update on her life as a displaced mother in south-central Gaza. I want to share with you all some of what she told me:

Our situation has become far worse than before.
My baby, Khaled, who is now 6 months old, depends on formula milk, which is either unavailable or sold at prices I simply cannot afford. Diapers are also ridiculously expensive, and even basic food has become out of reach.
Some vegetables and fruits are available in the market, but I can only afford to buy a single piece at a time, which becomes one meal for Khaled. But what about the rest of the day? What about the following days? As a mother, I can endure hunger, but how can a baby?
Even flour, which we relied on for our basic sustenance, is almost unavailable. The little we managed to buy is infested with bugs and worms, unhealthy but the only option we have left. And now, it’s almost gone. What will we do after that?
Khaled’s health has also worsened. He struggles to breathe due to his chest allergies, a condition that developed under these harsh circumstances. He needs regular nebulizer sessions and medication, but we can barely afford to provide them.

Here is precious little Khaled, tired and fatigued from hunger and sickness, receiving nebulizer treatment:

And here is the flour Suad and her family are forced to pick through in order to survive.

Sifting only removes the largest insects that have made their home in the flour. It does not remove larvae, detached wings, or excrement. Suad and her family are forced to eat them in order to (barely) avoid starvation.

Suad’s situation has never been more dire than it is right now. Food and basic necessities are extremely scarce and expensive. And the threat of IOF attack is omnipresent.

Please, if you can spare anything at all, send something to Suad. We are her and her baby’s best chance at surviving genocide.


one of the most infuriating parts about yanks their country is like 50 different countries is, apart from overestimating the remarkability of a federal system of territorial administration, that the lines along which those mini "countries" are drawn are not drawn following any form of cultural similarity and dissimilarity between peoples, they're drawn in spite of it. This is most obvious with straight borders, but behind every single state border, straight or not, is a history of a gradual theft of land from indigenous people, and afterwards a series of petty disputes between state governments to get more productive land.

Take the dispute between Ohio and Michigan over the Toledo strip. It was not a conflict of nations, it was squabbling over who controlled the most economically important city in that area taking advantage of a border treaty that used the wrong latitude of the southernmost tip of Lake Michigan. The northern border of Delaware is literally a circumference drawn with a church as its center. Perhaps the only change in US state borders born of an actual cultural difference was the West Virginia split over slavery. Either way, whichever perceived cultural differences exist between states, they originated barely over a hundred years ago, after most of those borders were drawn. All of these miniscule differences which are exaggerated into constituting different nations were the product of the artifical borders themselves, themselves a part of the process of genocide and settler-colonialism. If the square that is Colorado had been drawn 10 kilometers to the west and 1 km to the north respective to where it is in reality, there would not have been any depatriated coloradoans. There would have been slightly more Kansanians and slightly less Coloradoans.

Acknowledging that all of those truly miniscule differences relative to actual differences between actually different cultures elsewhere in the world are recent, artificial and the product of a genocide is a necessity for any USamerican who wants to ever do something productive, just like recognizing the ways racism was institutionalized and ingrained into the country even before its founding is necessary to combat racism now. Acting cutesy about how actually Kansas and Missouri are as different as France and England is not a way to do this. Nationalism for your state or your closest national park is as insidious and reactionary as nationalism for "America".


“People making/buying merchandise of [insert Hollywood blockbuster] are all missing how the point of the movie was anti-consumerist!”- Actually you are missing how the point of Hollywood movies is to make money for shareholders and not to overthrow capitalism


context: i was just born today and im trying to learn about the world i hope you can help me. whatever you say i will take to heart completely and live by for the rest of my life

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