
“you reblog some weird stuff” -my ex

@lesbian-moon / lesbian-moon.tumblr.com

cat | 25 | they and also them

I've been getting a bunch more snow in my area this year than i did this time last year *visualizes a geoguesser guy who works exclusively from weather reports doxing me* or have I...


a watched nut never busts. or something. i dont fucking know what you people find funny anymore. 9/11.


What is that? Is that a butterfly? Yeah, it's a butterfly. You’re so classy. I know. I got dollar signs like a real ho. No, but you’re manifesting with those. ANORA (2024) dir. Sean Baker


London mutuals what is there to do that’s cheap and not alcohol based?

bongs at croydon

there’s a bloke at clappham common who will suck your dick for £4.50 hell even play with your balls for an extra quid

I have 0 desire to meet you let alone give you money




  1. Locate something redemptive in the sludge
  2. Boundary case to every blanket statement
  3. Create more than you curate more than you consume
  4. Take the long way home
  5. Every game of spider solitaire 4-suit is winnable
  6. Don't forget about PFAS!
  7. The cafe is for being off your phone
  8. Attune yourself to the biogeochemical
  9. Err on the side of subtlety…except in matters of love
  10. Every day is all there is
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