“Temporary stitches” all stitches are temporary if you have a pair of scissors and aren’t a coward
Every time
@lentilswitheverything / lentilswitheverything.tumblr.com
“Temporary stitches” all stitches are temporary if you have a pair of scissors and aren’t a coward
Every time
While it was a longshot, I do appreciate that Gimli did try chopping the Ring up with an axe first. It was worth a shot, and they'd have all felt like bloody idiots if they took the Ring all the way to Mordor only to find out it could have been chopped up by an axe all along.
Been a while since I drew a furry comic based off of a tumblr post
“This is your daily, friendly reminder to use commas instead of periods during the dialogue of your story,” she said with a smile.
“Unless you are following the dialogue with an action and not a dialogue tag.” He took a deep breath and sat back down after making the clarifying statement.
“However,” she added, shifting in her seat, “it’s appropriate to use a comma if there’s action in the middle of a sentence.”
“True.” She glanced at the others. “You can also end with a period if you include an action between two separate statements.”
Things I didn’t know
“And–” she waved a pen as though to underline her statement–“if you’re interrupting a sentence with an action, you need to type two hyphens to make an en-dash.”
You guys have no idea how many students in my advanced fiction workshop didn’t know any of this when writing their stories.
Okay, but someone please explain question marks when followed by a dialogue tag. How do?
“The speech tag is still part of the previous sentence,” she explained, ‘so it isn’t capitalised.“
“What do you mean?” he asked. “But there’s a full stop as part of the question mark!”
She nodded gravely. “I know!” she said. “A lot of people find this confusing. But the speech tag belongs to the line of dialogue, it’s still part of the sentence, so it’s wrong to capitalise it.”
She reblogged the post again, because she had recently read far too many potentially enjoyable stories marred by poor dialogue punctuation.
I’ve only seen this post in screenshots till now..
NOICE. Can’t wait to use this
“There are two more ways"—she pointed to the blackboard—“to punctuate interruptions. One is with the em dashes outside the quotations marks to indicate continuous speech. The action occurs at the same time as speech. The other—” she sipped from a glass of water “—is em dashes within the quotation marks to indicate interrupted speech.”
“Neato,” she said, impressed by the easy-to-follow formatting.
tweet transcript in alt text. image ID: a clip-art picture of a hanukkiah with nine burning candles, standing amongst gelt pieces. above it in cursive font are the words "Happle Hanukkah." end ID
chag sameach this still makes me laugh
tis the season! happle hanukkah
Wishing you all the happlest of Hanukkahs.
Harrowing: someone in your Fandom just made an innocuous and harmless post that nonetheless betrays a deep misunderstanding of the character and the character's narrative purpose and you just have to sit there and let them be wrong lest you be an asshole
Hey guys be cool and normal but reblog this with the homemade meal that would get you the most hyped as a child. I need it for reasons.
told my mom my feet are cold & all my wool socks are dirty & she said “how about THESE” and pulled out of her pocket a pair of wool socks that apparently took 3rd place in the Delaware State Fair, which I know because the ribbon is still attached
reading the tags I realize it wasn’t clear:
first incidence of good writing advice i've seen in 10 years on this platform and it's in the notes of a mustelid wreaking absolute havoc in a german grocery store
Shoutout to the maned wolf, which is technically neither wolf nor fox but has its own genus called Chrysocyon! Why -
why are your legs so long?
I mean, intellectually, I understand that it’s because you live in grasslands and have evolved to be able to see over the grass, but emotionally… why? Are they?? Like that??? Surely there was a way to make your body more cohesive and proportional-looking?
i will never shut up about maned wolves
just look at it
look at this
one of the animals for sure
wretched beast
If it’s neither wolf nor fox, then it’s cat software running on giraffe hardware.
I think y'all should know that the closest relative to the maned wolf is the bush dog which looks like this.
I was not ready for corgi-bear.
you're definitely not ready for the maned wolf Front Angle then
Fuck dude you really can’t
This is the first ad I’ve seen on here that actually fits tumblr’s demographic
I hate that I understand how the child has reached this conclusion.
Ten is a smaller word than three?
This child is learning the concept of ascending numbers; at that age, spelling ‘three’ is probably difficult for them.
At the age where this question would be appropriate, this child would be learning the early concepts of base ten addition with these:
And this:
While they would have seen children’s posters and toys that count up to ten countless times, rainbow numbers are probably their current main association with the number ten. However, this child doesn’t understand that ten is a larger number than three. There are two main reasons why this might be:
- the child doesn’t understand how many ten is, and sees the numbers 1 and 0, which they do understand. When asked to explain their reasoning, they don’t know how to (this kid is probably about 5 years old), so draw what the number 10 makes them think of.
- the child misunderstands the concept of ‘smaller’ in this question, and thinks of 10 as ‘simpler’ or ‘more fundamental’ a number. This is a common conclusion for little kids to draw because we put so much emphasis on learning to ad and count to 10, so they may think of using rainbow numbers as a way to simplify and reduce down to 10. Again, a 5 year old doesn’t have the self awareness or vocabulary to explain this, and having misunderstood the question, won’t do what is expected (drawing 3 dots next to 10 dots or something similar). Their answer is ‘the rainbow number chart says so’.
Further questioning could help find exactly which misconception the child has, but there’s little point; as soon as the child properly grasps what 10 is, the misconception will resolve itself in either case.
I love people who work with kids and figure out their communication styles instead of just “kid stupid silly kid knows nothing”
You can’t educate a child if you don’t understand what the misconception is.
i had a 4 hour drive today so i put on the revenge of the sith audiobook and the part where palpatine tells anakin to kill dooku came on right around the time that i saw a cybertruck and for a brief and beautiful moment when he said "do it" i had the urge to ram my honda full on into that shitty ass car
everyone who says that anakin’s fall in that movie was too sudden has never been so angry at an Elon dickrider trying to cut in front of you at a traffic standstill while a droning, pleasant British voice tells you that murder is okay and necessary. I’m sorry guys but I would have folded too
this site has one setting
I’m laughing, but there’s a super useful corollary, which my husband calls “the Red Balloon.” He was a defense lawyer and had a fair number of drug addicts come through, and there is a thing where if you’re like, on your first offense, they’ll do a thing where you can go to treatment and if you complete it they’ll take the conviction off your record. And he would tell his clients, “Look, everyone’s going to tell you not to do drugs. They’re going to say it over and over again. And it’s like, if people tell you not to think of a white elephant, you’re going to think of a white elephant. But the trick to not thinking about a white elephant is to think of a red balloon. So you need to find your red balloon. For some people it’s yoga. For others it’s woodworking. For some people it’s scrapbooking or gardening or any of a long list of things to do. They focus on that, it’s a lot easier to succeed in ignoring the white elephant.” So yeah, “watch yourself” is one thing… but the better idea is to watch something else. (Even if it’s fanfic about werewolves fucking.)
It’s a form of productive dissociation, and is super, super helpful. It’s easy for me to get bogged down in how much pain I’m in… but some of the most painful periods of my life have also been the most productive, writing-wise, because writing is one of my red balloons.
There is a phrase I use A LOT in my parenting and my son gets very sick of it, but it’s true:
The thing you practise is the thing you get good at.
You may not intentionally be practicing “being grumpy” but if you don’t put effort into practicing “not being grumpy” then I’m afraid that’s what you’re doing. It’s hard! It’s really hard! Sometimes, for some things, it’s pretty much impossible and that sucks!
But being carefully aware that you are going to get good at the things you do most of is a good way to be more careful of what those things are. If that makes sense.
You gotta appreciate sometimes how tumblr works in such a way that everyone who wants to reblog this interesting or useful psychological advice is also forced to reblog the thing about werewolf fucking