

@kropotkindersurprise / kropotkindersurprise.tumblr.com

delicious homemade riot gifs and leftist propaganda. antifascist.
Anonymous asked:

you are so disgusting and morally twisted jesus

or possibly just really dense πŸ™ˆ

I always wonder how people sending messages like this imagine it could in any way, like, emotionally affect someone. You're not even specifying what you disagree with!

"oh no! someone who is afraid to stand behind or even mention their own beliefs disagrees with mine, I'm sure their beliefs must be superior to mine if they decline to even hint at them πŸ™€"

In the olden days on Tumblr you'd just get open death threats from people's main accounts. It's sad to see hater culture on tumblr decline like this πŸ˜”

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