

@kropotkindersurprise / kropotkindersurprise.tumblr.com

delicious homemade riot gifs and leftist propaganda. antifascist.
Anonymous asked:

you are so disgusting and morally twisted jesus

or possibly just really dense 🙈

I always wonder how people sending messages like this imagine it could in any way, like, emotionally affect someone. You're not even specifying what you disagree with!

"oh no! someone who is afraid to stand behind or even mention their own beliefs disagrees with mine, I'm sure their beliefs must be superior to mine if they decline to even hint at them 🙀"

In the olden days on Tumblr you'd just get open death threats from people's main accounts. It's sad to see hater culture on tumblr decline like this 😔

Anonymous asked:

palestine action post says "heavily-secred," pretty sure that's a typo?

thank youuuu! I'm always especially happy when i get comments or messages like this before lots of people have reblogged so i can still fix it. :3 thanks again. I also suck terribly at dates, so thank you to all the friends who have pointed out to me that I claimed I had video from the future. It is genuinely appreciated :3

Anonymous asked:

You still defending ai art?

the use of AI is mostly a labor issue, not a technology issue. its just another tool. AI aint special.

Anonymous asked:

You're mutuals with somebody who genuinely wants to murder and cannibalize people and has stated so on multiple occasions. You disgust me.

finally some good hate mail, its been a while

Anonymous asked:

Yeah, i was also thrown off by that gif. I think a "death tw" or "gore tw" would be good. I dont think "trigger warning" by itself is a good tag, since people use it for pretty much anything. Same goes for "death". Love the blog!

I'll make sure to tag things like that with "gore" from now on. I thought there was no need to put tw in the actual tag, because everyone tags differently, right? because i've seen "tw: x", and "x tw", and "trigger warning: x" and a bunch of others. I dont really know how the actual tag blocking system works in practice.

Anonymous asked:

Dont you think its a bit much to post videos of people being literally blown up by mines? Goes way beyond "riot gifs" This is tumblr not rotten.com

No, not really. I tagged it "trigger warning" and "death". let me know if you want me to tag it with something else.

Anonymous asked:

Apparently that blankie guy video is old BUT he also got liquidated in the 21 soldier explosion yesterday.

Ah thanks for the good news and the correction, I'll remove the date from that post.

Anonymous asked:

I sweqr you had a post that was "most wonderful time of the year" with a compilation of riot gifs. Did i imagine that or does it exist?

coming right up

(theres two posts that both half fit your description, one has the song but is a video, the other has gifs but not the words "most wonderful time of the year")

Anonymous asked:

holy shit so glad to see you back, i thought your blog was gone for good comrade!

Glad to hear you're happy, but I didn't go anywhere as far as I know, haha! :D Although I do post a lot less than like, 6 years ago, cause I've got real life eating up my precious tumblr time a lot more now.

Anonymous asked:

How out of touch can you possibly be when you say a good way to start doing praxis is look for local groups? That might work if you lived in a big ass city, but many people don't. Hell, there aren't even demonstrations where I live if im not doing them. You anarkiddies talk about the working class, but you have no connection to or knowledge of the working class outside of your local area 💀

Sometimes people live in different conditions or different places than you. I know this must be confusing for you, but its true.

It sounds like you live somewhere like antarctica, or perhaps the sahara desert, where there are no near-by cities or towns at all. In that case it would indeed be a better idea to start your own group without checking, I agree. In many other places if you look around you will find other leftists already organising near you, even if its just small groups.

But seriously, OBVIOUSLY the first thing you do when you start being interested in organising is looking for local groups. And then by looking you might find out there are no local groups, or that they used to exist but are no longer active. This might mean you can contact people from previously active groups, or that you need to start your own new one, but then you actually know, and can connect to local historical struggles possibly. Often you dont have to invent the wheel of left-wing organisation all by yourself.

I'm not saying you should expect to find antifascists or communists or anarchists in the closest small town to you, but for most people there will be SOME kind of organisation in the closest medium-sized town to you, either now or historically.

What an incredibly weirdly passive-aggressive message.

Anonymous asked:

You have said several times "Discipline and Punish" was the book that radicalized you. How it so? I'm about to read it soon. Salud camarada.

Discipline and Punish showed me that so many of the authoritarian and controlling aspects of society and of our lives weren’t inevitable and natural and always there, but that they were implemented and designed relatively recently with the explicit goal of controlling us and making us productive within Capitalism. It made me look at modern society with different eyes and question a lot more things.

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any reccomendations of works by arab anarchists or movements by Arab anarchists in particular that I can look into?

Sorry this took so long to respond to. I’ve looked and asked around with some Arab comrades, but I couldn’t find very much. Here are some of the leads and articles I could find, maybe some of my followers can add more in the notes.

This looks very interesting, but I haven’t read very much of it yet:  Colonialism, Transnationalism, and Anarchism in the South of the Mediterranean

Here is some interesting writing from people involved in the Lebanese revolution, not specifically anarchists though: https://thepublicsource.org/

The Lebanese anarchist group Kafeh sometimes post stuff in English

Not Arab, but they do cover a lot of anarchist news from Arab countries that I don’t see in many other places: The anarchist federation of Iran & Afghanistan

Anonymous asked:

Do you have any reccomendations of works by arab anarchists or movements by Arab anarchists in particular that I can look into?

Sorry this took so long to respond to. I’ve looked and asked around with some Arab comrades, but I couldn’t find very much. Here are some of the leads and articles I could find, maybe some of my followers can add more in the notes.

This looks very interesting, but I haven’t read very much of it yet:  Colonialism, Transnationalism, and Anarchism in the South of the Mediterranean

Here is some interesting writing from people involved in the Lebanese revolution, not specifically anarchists though: https://thepublicsource.org/

The Lebanese anarchist group Kafeh sometimes post stuff in English

Not Arab, but they do cover a lot of anarchist news from Arab countries that I don’t see in many other places: The anarchist federation of Iran & Afghanistan

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