✨Eeveeluzine is an illustrated artbook dedicated to our favorite fuzzy little bundle of raw potential! We asked 40 artists to illustrate their favorite Eeveelution and show us why they fell in love with the franchise.
💖Preorder a copy of the Eeveeluzine HERE!💖
✨Eeveeluzine will be a 40 page, 8.5" x 11", full-color, perfect-bound, hardcover coffee-table artbook.✨
✨The book will feature at least three full color illustrations of every one of the nine eeveelutions.✨
✨Each copy will be hand numbered.✨
✨All profits from Eeveeluzine are intended to benefit the Center for Animal Research and Education. The Center for Animal Research and Education’s mission is to provide for a safe, permanent and loving home to exotic animals in need. CARE focuses on excellence in physical and emotional care, advocating animal welfare through education, and conducting minimally-invasive research that will improve living conditions for captive animal populations world-wide.
✨All artwork for the book has already been submitted and compiled. The InDesign file is ready to be sent to the printers. The books are ready to be put into production after the first 100 copies have been ordered.
💖Preorder a copy of the Eeveeluzine HERE!💖