do you think the first bug to pollinate a plant was classified as a monsterfucker by the other bugs
think I'm good on this one
@judgejudyofficial /
do you think the first bug to pollinate a plant was classified as a monsterfucker by the other bugs
think I'm good on this one
healing my dog with soda pops
goodbye old friend
please this is so funny
Bro I just did the math and I’ve been following you for near a damn decade 💀
we're really in it for the long haul huh?
"fuck my yaoi life"
had to show you guys. he looks so unbelievably bad. for context he always gets shit crusted in his fur because he doesn’t maintain it so my mom decided to give him a haircut and wanted to even it out
they greebled him
i hate people who know highways. “i’m heading south on I-65” okay man. i’m moving my rook to c2
Do you hate them or do they frustrate you? Cause hate is a strong word to use
i hate them also i’m done with my worksheet now. is the first session free