Conference and Education Center “Erbacher Hof” (1971-88) in Mainz, Germany, by Lothar Willius
I've been waiting to hear this my entire life
halberd night at the pub. everyone's having a good time and the halberds are clattering every time someone shifts a little in the space. suddenly, something stands out. that wasn't the iconic sound of a halberd clacking against a halberd. that was the sound of a glaive. unacceptable. thirty halberds crash down onto the same spot before the glaive-knave can even realise what just happened
Mali-Gemeinschaftsschule (1963-66) in Biberach, Germany, by Norbert Kopf
nobody freak out but im about to start generating some large translucent red circles upon the floor to indicate an incoming AOE attack
penis blown clean off in a tasteful and marketable fashion
why did mazda make miatas look like fuckable cum guzzling sluts that moan a lil when u put the keys in the ignition
my god. the comic updated
i graduated 9 days after it last updated. i am transgender. i got a degree. i got engaged. the passage of time is slipping through my fingers yet i feel like a teenager again seeing the news. merry smissmas everyone
this is the half life 3 of gay people
stylish older women remind me what it's really all about...
this but unironically