yeah of course sex work has more potential for trauma than retail work but the thing is criminalizing it isnt going to make it go away. people are just going to do it, illegally, which means its going to be more dangerous for them. the risk of violence increases from the already astronomical rate its currently at. criminalizing sex work will also increase the rates at which people are trafficked. if the work is legitimized and sex workers are allowed to do things like form unions its harder for them to be abused and exploited because it takes power out of the hands of pimps and traffickers. being able to negotiate higher pay allows women to potentially quit, or take less jobs. i dont know a single person surviving on sex work (incl myself formerly) who wants their clients to come to them in fear of jail time for soliciting them. the cause you are fighting for is a conservative one that contributes to the stigmatization, rape, and murder of these women. you people make me so angry. and ofc youre not going to even give this message a second thought.
Thank you for sharing your perspective. It is valuable and enlightening. I wrote that post like four years ago and I don't necessarily espouse all the viewpoints I've expressed on this platform. I hope you have a great day.