
πŸ‘πŸŒ Hoof de Peet πŸ’πŸ‹

@hoofpeet / hoofpeet.tumblr.com

🍌Hoof / any pronouns / 21 / oooooogggh 🍌

everyone's so nice to me in my inbox and yet 0.2 seconds after getting an ask i forget about it and let them rot in there

Anonymous asked:

I’ve had multiple cats live to 16+ (one to almost 20) if that makes you feel any better! One we have right now is over 15 and has been chronically sick for many years (incurable problem, but we manage it with meds) and she’s still kicking! Cats are hardy animals

Yeah I mean. He's still plenty healthy + mobile. Just a weird reality check considering his name is literally "The Kitten"


A bus is a type of cow to me for sure. Or perhaps a large bug like an ohmu

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