
πŸ‘πŸŒ Hoof de Peet πŸ’πŸ‹

@hoofpeet / hoofpeet.tumblr.com

🍌Hoof / any pronouns / 21 / oooooogggh 🍌
Anonymous asked:

I hope you're doing okay :( seeing your art always put a smile on my face, and seeing your vents always made me feel concerned for you. I hope things become easier for you

ty <3 The store had one (1) single can of my favorite monster flavor in stock today despite having never carried it before so I'm doing slightly better atm


my constant stream of thank yous and sorrys will save me from the ass beating i have coming for the crime of having needs


Recently every time I go to post something I've been imagining people in discord servers picking my stupid drawings apart and making fun of them where I would just never know about it . So I've been having to debate whether or not it's worth it to post something or if it's just better to shut up; And more and more it seems more pointless to post anything & I'm kinda just losing the energy to bother with it

Anonymous asked:

Crazy to think about how I’ve been following you since like. 2017!! And it’s been wonderful to see how far your art has come! I’ve always loved your style and seeing it grow has been really inspiring! Hope you have a great day!

Damm you've been following me since I was 13.. sorry you had to see that


when your sad you you listen to sad songs to feel better or happy songs to feel better?

Bc if it’s the former I’ve got a god recc


I listen to mashcore/speedcore with various streamer vods on in the background to overstimulate myself


Kindof hard to take any 'it'll get better"/"you'll find friends someday" type post seriously when my entire family. is also lonely & miserable even well into their 40's and 50's. Doesn't seem like any reason that I would be an exception to the curse


I do appreciate the nice asks genuinely- and hopefully it doesn't come off as though I resent them. It's just unbelievably exhausting to keep doing this when I don't really get anything from putting all my energy into drawing shit and. ultimately, nobody in my personal life cares what I do. I guess I don't know what I expect from doing this shit and uhm. For what it's worth I am sorry for constantly making everyone deal with this melodramatic shit. But GOD I am tired

Anonymous asked:

is there any possibility of you moving out and maybe going no contact/ :( im sorry youre stuck at home

I mean probably eventually yeah; my most likely option atm is moving out for college or smthn. Shit's kind of just on hold rn

Anonymous asked:

What sort of cat do you have?

The kind that pisses on the couch <3

Anonymous asked:

If you don’t give a shit about your poor followers concern or care then maybe stop suibaiting on main. I don’t know what the hell you EXPECT people to say when an artist they follow says they’re going to kill themselves. β€œPlease do”? As fucking if, man. That’s not how good people work. If you β€œdon’t care” then stop putting this shit on your follower’s shoulders like a selfish dickhead

I didn't ask for anyone to give a shit about this man

Anonymous asked:

try vraylar? :(

Getting medicated isn't really on the table tbh; my dad (who's health insurance i would be going through) has already made it clear that the whole thing of getting a prescription picking it up every month etc etc is too expensive and too much of a pain in the ass so. I'm not really bothering to try going down that road ultimately it's also just kinda pointless

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