


19 yo ,software engineering student help me and my family to get out Gaza https://gofund.me/752029c4

Hello my friends

I apologize for communicating this way 😔, but we are in dire need of your help to survive these difficult times we are going through due to the war on Gaza.

Look at how healthy my little brother Ibrahim was before the war and how he is now suffering from skin diseases due to lack of food and undrinkable water 💔. Any small donation could be a lifeline for me.

If you can’t donate, please consider rebloging my pinned post.

Thank you for any support you can provide. ❤️

@tamamita @serial-unaliver

@serial-unaliver @punkitt-is-here

@2spirit-Ospoons @paper-mario-wiki

@abdalsalam1990@serial-unaliver @2spirit-Ospoons

@schoolhater @vampiricvenus

@beetledrink @anneemay

@officialspec @ot3

@opencommunion @nyancrimew


Hello my friends

I apologize for communicating this way 😔, but we are in dire need of your help to survive these difficult times we are going through due to the war on Gaza.

Look at how healthy my little brother Ibrahim was before the war and how he is now suffering from skin diseases due to lack of food and undrinkable water 💔. Any small donation could be a lifeline for me.

If you can’t donate, please consider rebloging my pinned post.

Thank you for any support you can provide. ❤️

@tamamita @serial-unaliver

@serial-unaliver @punkitt-is-here

@2spirit-Ospoons @paper-mario-wiki

@abdalsalam1990@serial-unaliver @2spirit-Ospoons

@schoolhater @vampiricvenus

@beetledrink @anneemay

@officialspec @ot3

@opencommunion @nyancrimew

Currently, Iayan's family has raised €4,445 out €36K. That is only 12% of their goal. Their fundraiser is #317 on GazaVetter's spreadsheet. Please share, donate, or both, if possible to contribute to saving them from suffering.


Hello my friends

I apologize for communicating this way 😔, but we are in dire need of your help to survive these difficult times we are going through due to the war on Gaza.

Look at how healthy my little brother Ibrahim was before the war and how he is now suffering from skin diseases due to lack of food and undrinkable water 💔. Any small donation could be a lifeline for me.

If you can’t donate, please consider rebloging my pinned post.

Thank you for any support you can provide. ❤️

@tamamita @serial-unaliver

@serial-unaliver @punkitt-is-here

@2spirit-Ospoons @paper-mario-wiki

@abdalsalam1990@serial-unaliver @2spirit-Ospoons

@schoolhater @vampiricvenus

@beetledrink @anneemay

@officialspec @ot3

@opencommunion @nyancrimew

Currently, Iayan's family has raised €4,445 out €36K. That is only 12% of their goal. Their fundraiser is #317 on GazaVetter's spreadsheet. Please share, donate, or both, if possible to contribute to saving them from suffering.


Hello my friends

I want you to see my little brother Mohammed, 7 years old, who used to go to school before the war, and how now the work has become very hard and tiring for him to help us prepare the fire to cook our food.

Please help my brother to live a safe life like the rest of the children in the world.


✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #317 )✅️

#gofundmedonations#gazaunderattack#gaza_under_attack_now#support#crowdfundingexpert#gofundmedonations#donatetoday#fundraiser#freepalestine #freegaza #gaza #palestine #palestinewillbefree #rafah #support #gofundme #indonesiapalestine#explore #اكسبلور


Please listen to me 😭🙏🏻.

Hello, I am Layan from Gaza.

This is my little brother Ayham. He was injured in the head due to the war while playing in front of the house😰💔.

We can no longer get our right to play or live safely🥺💔.

Please get us out of this tragedy by sharing and donating through the link🙏🏻.

✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #317 )✅️

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