Hello my friends
I apologize for communicating this way 😔, but we are in dire need of your help to survive these difficult times we are going through due to the war on Gaza.
Look at how healthy my little brother Ibrahim was before the war and how he is now suffering from skin diseases due to lack of food and undrinkable water 💔. Any small donation could be a lifeline for me.
If you can’t donate, please consider rebloging my pinned post.
Thank you for any support you can provide. ❤️
@tamamita @serial-unaliver
@serial-unaliver @punkitt-is-here
@2spirit-Ospoons @paper-mario-wiki
@prisonhannibal @aimasu @anneemay
@annevbonny @fools-and-perverts
@abdalsalam1990@serial-unaliver @2spirit-Ospoons
@schoolhater @vampiricvenus
@beetledrink @anneemay
@beserkerjewel @appsa @apas-95
@irangp @gaza-evacuation-funds
@officialspec @ot3
@opencommunion @nyancrimew