
love is stored in the lasat


Formerly @heart-of-a-rebel16. Blog still under construction

a lot of folks on this website will specifically describe people as Cis or Neurotypical to signal someone is boring/basic when I think the word they're truly looking for in their heart is "normie" but they won't say it because it makes them sound like a 4chan user

the most neurotypical friend i have is arguably the strangest and most eccentric. the cissest straightest dudes i know text like they're scene kids. the word you're looking for is normie. just call people boring if you're gonna be pretentious anyway i dunnooo. scratching my head

This is why I hate that people have started looping eccentricity in with Autism. Not all Autistic people are eccentric and not all Neurotypicals are boring (which boring is objective in itself).


executive dysfunction is legitimately physically uncomfortable. i’ll be trapped between two things, weirdly caught on how-much-time-it-might-take-me. i take hours worried im going to take hours doing things. i’ll sit on the floor for the entire day, caught up in the middle of not-doing the chores i actually do want to be doing.

& the amount of mental energy that goes into it. & the legitimate amount of anger and discomfort and self-hate. is not “being lazy”.  it’d be a lot less work if i didn’t have to fight myself to just get up and do it. 

i just need you to understand it’s not effortless. it’s never effortless. it’s not “okay let me just get up and finally start doing this.” it’s more like. i am slamming my foot on the pedal but the car is in neutral and nothing is moving. it’s more like shouting instructions into a dying telephone. it’s more like being trapped in a small electric box, and someone who hates me is administering shocks. 

im trying. im trying. please help me get up.


"How can you be so obsessed about-" personally I love disgustingly brutal fictional characters, who, with their actions, fun fact, absolutely don't affect real life - because they're not real! Hope that helps


i’m this person

hey. op here. i previously made fun of rpfers in the comments. i just wanted to apologize. i recently got into hockey rpf and now i’m a lesbian who she/hers a real life man, too. definitely wouldn’t appreciate it if someone made fun of me.


Character development love to see it

are you saying getting into rpf is an improvement

Hockey Heritage Post

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