
Three Feathers

@hamelin-born / hamelin-born.tumblr.com

Everyone forgets that Icarus also flew.

(Spoilers for Stormlight Archives/Cosmere in general); it amuses me greatly that Retribution's One True Fear would be Harmony holding Nightblood. This, for multiple reasons, would probably never happen, but I like picturing it/his reaction to this scenario.


The joy I get from the certainty that Nightblood is inevitably going to be absolutely pivotal to the fate of the Cosmere is so real, you don’t even know. There’s going to be a whole space opera epic final trilogy and the most important and epic weapon is going to be this talking sword, I’m certain of it. It’s going to destroy evil sooo good.

To your actual ask: I think Autonomy would be even more scared of that than Retribution! Harmony seems to be her natural antithesis, Intent to Intent—cooperation vs individualism!—and the concept of merging with another Shard must be anathema to her, must inherently be a threat.

Also, I’m actually quite concerned above the reverse: I hope Szeth spends the next 10 years very carefully keeping Nightblood out of the hands of any agents of Retribution. Much though it would go so hard to have the Blackthorn riding a blood-red steed that is the Thrill and wielding a smoke-trailing, Investiture-devouring sword capable of slaying gods, I don’t, like, want it.

(That’s a lie. It’d be so fucking awesome. But only if Nightblood then is like, Wait, I’m not sure these people are evil? I don’t want to destroy people who aren’t evil. That would be…evil. Are you evil?!


@tanoraqui Counterpoint: There would be no more satisfying place for Nightblood to be then in the hands of an agent of Retribution/Autonomy if and when it it *independently decides* - thanks to all the character development it’s undergone - Hey, You People Are Evil!

And then reenacts Vasher’s favorite trick.


Incredibly terrible day. I would happy welcome links to the GOOD fanfic, intriguing worldbuilds, news that There Is Still Good Mister Frodo, etc etc.


Does anyone have a link to that gif of The Rock smiling at you and telling you everything will be okay?


If this reaches 1 note, I will draw a frog.

If this reaches 10 notes, I will draw a bigger frog.

You can figure out the math from there

Some frogs for your efforts


Gonna have to reach 1,000 for the next frog friendo

We're not gonna reach 10,000 at this rate

219 until next frog




more. frogs. now

122 until next frog

The mighty building frog could scream out at any second, ending the lives of millions.

Reach 10k for next frog

If we reach 100 million notes (which we won't), I'll reveal who I'm the alt account of.

Shame, we won't even reach 10k it seems.

Next frog shall remain a mystery.


Unless this post gets crazy popular again, whether by another blaze or getting noticed by the Tumblr gods, your Frogageddon shalt not pass and my hands shall remain away from the art table

Big frog lurks in the oceans

Reach 100k for next frog.


A List of Very Convincing Reasons why Elrond Peredhel Cannot become Noldor High King after Gil-Galad, written by Dnorle Lehderep

  • He's like Finwe's great great great grandson; that's clearly too many generations away.
  • Also he's technically a Feanorian and they're like, super cursed and also dispossessed so maybe he shouldn't be in the line of succession.
  • No one can agree on whether his claim comes from the Nolofinwean or Feanorian lines. Clearly the best solution to this is for him to not be king.
  • Galadriel is right there.
  • He turns into a bird sometimes and everyone knows that birds can't be elf-kings that would be silly.
  • Yes, he does have one of the three rings "for elvish kings" but Cirdan also has one of those, and he's not an elvish king, so frankly it doesn't matter.
  • Gil-Galad's will, which states that Elrond inherits the crown, was clearly forged. I will not explain how. Trust me on this one.
  • C'mon guys he's not even technically an elf. Yes Melian was a queen over elves without being an elf. Yes Dior was a half-elf elf king. I don't see what that has to do with anything.
  • Do we really need a king?? Apparently some edain are experimenting with a new system called "democracy" and fraknly that sounds a lot better and cooler than having another king.
  • We'd have to get the crown resized again and that would be a lot of work.
  • He wears his hair partially down. In public. If that's not scandalous I don't konw what is.
  • I know his followers keep talking about how great of a leader he is, but they're mostly Feanorians, so clearly that doesn't count.
  • Galadriel. Is. Right. There.
  • He probably doesn't even speak Quenya. Don't ask anyone at court to confirm this.
  • He's very busy revolutionizing the field of medicine in Rivendell right now, please leave me him alone.
  • Clearly he doesn't wear enough jewelry to be a proper Noldor king.

Hey do y'all remember several years ago when we were all freaking out about net neutrality being overturned? Well despite net neutrality's win in 2024, a federal court just overturned it.

For those who aren't aware, net neutrality is the simple principle that companies like Verizon and Comcast should treat all web traffic equally – not pick and choose based on who is willing to pay more or who they like best. Big Tech companies obviously don’t like that – which is why they spent millions lobbying against it over the years.

Now, these megacorporations will be able to seize control back over our Internet. The likely result? Throttled access to streaming services, monopolistic pricing that cuts out competition, and a slower, walled off, and less free Internet for all of us.

And unfortunately, rulings like this will only get more common now that the Supreme Court has overturned the “Chevron deference” – giving judges, rather than qualified public servants, a blank check to toss out protections like net neutrality, environmental safeguards, or food safety standards.

When Trump’s FCC repealed net neutrality back in 2017, they gave big corporations total control over our Internet – putting free and open access at risk.

Internet providers responded by exploiting their newfound power to speed up certain websites, and slow down – or even block – others. They failed to provide crucial Internet infrastructure in rural areas, low-income communities, and communities of color. They even slashed firefighters’ Internet access during severe wildfires.

But over 126,000 people spoke out and we were able to reinstate net neutrality – until now.

The time has come again to take action: please sign this petition from Common Cause so we can reinstate net neutrality.


So.....I usually never ask the internet for help like this but....

For the past couple of years, I've been struggling to get my rent paid. I don't even know how much I'm behind on rent, it's THAT bad.

The election results in the US recently also didn't help me mentally at all, either.

The next 4 years are gonna be hell for women, trans folks, and children in the US considering the sweet potato nazi that's in office currently.

So yeah, any help is definitely appreciated, whether it be a donation or just spreading this around. Thank you.

My Cash app: $STARGemini23

My PayPal: @ stardust2019

My Venmo: @ STARGemini97

And here's a link to my gofundme



Oh _lovely_. Everyone go turn this off:

Enhanced Visual Search in Photos allows you to search for photos using landmarks or points of interest. Your device privately matches places in your photos to a global index Apple maintains on our servers. We apply homomorphic encryption and differential privacy, and use an OHTTP relay that hides [your] IP address. This prevents Apple from learning about the information in your photos. You can turn off Enhanced Visual Search at any time on your iOS or iPadOS device by going to Settings > Apps > Photos. On Mac, open Photos and go to Settings > General.

Disabling this is easy on iPhone: go to settings > apps > photos, and scroll all the way down to the bottom.


A reminder that sell-buy dates or best-used-by dates are not the same as expiration dates.

I love that a food bank is providing this info as they are experts in stretching food budgets and knowledgable in shelf-stable food items


HOBBES vs. TIGGER cage match TO THE DEATH say goodbye to your childhood because ONE! WILL!! DIE!!!!

Picturing two tiger plushies just kind of sitting there facing each other in Thunderdome

i am picturing it

Hobbes and Tigger would find some aspect of tigerhood to bond over, but Calvin would put Christopher Robin in the ground.

I've seen this post go around a few times and I have to respectfully disagree. Calvin and Christopher Robin are ADHD-Autism solidarity and share mutual interests in "elaborate daydream RP", "fucking around in the woods", "Precocious Rage at the injustices and tragedies of life", and (if we want to include that one particularly unhinged winnie-the-pooh baseball videogame in canon) "being the living incarnation of chaos"

They'd circle each other awkwardly and repeat bits of memorized social pastiches at each other like two furbies reacting to each other's noise before realizing the other is just as just as unhinged as they are, and then they'd be inseparable.

Like, Calvin will absolutely throw Christopher Robin into the creek at least once, but this is the way of profound childhood friendships.


did trash pickup volunteering today with my bf but it snowed so he was having trouble seeing the trash under the snow thirty minutes in i start digging out a monster can and he hits me with 'so what has my little truffle hog found for me this time?'

OP's extra cute tags:


Screaming crying because I hate every piracy guide I come across on here.


check out my piracy guide GOGOGOGO


tell me if i got any more splainin todo. i am open to suggestions. reblog this so more people can pirate. DO IT!


thank you so much for the support over the last three days! i got over 10k hits on the website!!!

i wish i could upload faster/more often but i have been busy & tired. i did make a number of small updates today though! including links to VPN leak checks, where to find roms and emulators, more torrenting sites, and a small dictionary section that has VERY SIMPLE definitions of some words that i used.


This is legit the only piracy guide I've seen on tumblr that is not full of terrible advice go read and do this rn or else

Reblog on lieu of Netflix rolling out its new 'no sharing pw'


I made a mistake and read Changeling: The Lost fanfic.

Now I am visualizing karma being visited upon the True Fae of the setting.

@ardentmystacina said:  Karma has narrative weight so it’s probably one of the things most likely to have an effect

Good point! I've been thinking about this on and off, and - well, originally I was picturing a standard 'Terrible Inhuman Entities Are Suddenly Rendered Powerless and Are At The Mercy of Their Victims' scenario. (A bit of a trope, but still a classic!) But that - that just doesn't feel narratively satisfying (and by the laws of the True Fae probably wouldn't have any purchase on them.)

Being rendered Nameless might do it. And I - I had an incomplete thought about the True Fae and Arcadia, aka Faerie.

I've always liked the varying permutations of Faerie that authors and tale-tellers come up with - the idea of Arcadia, as it were. One of my favorites is - is a land that's wild and free, cruel and kind in equal measure. A place where there are 'beauties which pierce like swords or burn like cold iron'.

And that's - that's not Arcadia, as presented in C:tL. It's - a backdrop, a setting for the Gentry to make of it what they will in pursuit of their whims and desires. It's not - it's not a place. Does that make sense?

So let the Gentry become Faerie. They are godlike entities, more forces of nature then people, to a certain extent - so let it be so. Let them be rendered nameless. Let them become, be the wind and the rain and the fire and the cold, the city and the forges, the dark and the desire - stripped of personality, of everything that makes them more.

And let there Be a Faerie, an Arcadia, on the other side of the Hedge - a land perilous and untamed, but beautiful and free - for whomever, whatever, dares to seek it.

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